Incarnation of Kali
There is the story about the incarnation of Goddess Kali in Devi Bhagwat Puran. Once upon a time two Danavs(demonic forces), Shumbh and Nishumbh undertook hard penances to please the creator, Brahma, and obtained from him the boon of being unconquerable by any man. After acquiring the power which came from boon, they become invincible and started conquering the three worlds. Bhuloka(earth), Bhuvarloka(astral plane), and Swargloka (celestial plane, the dwelling place of the gods and sub gods ruled by Indra). They drove the gods and Subgods out of the Swargloka. Knowing that no male energy could conquer these demonic forces, the gods and sub gods, including Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer, collected on the bank of river Ganges and prayed to the Divine mother with mantra NAMO DEVAIYE.
Hearing their prayers, the Divine Mother was pleased and sent her Shakti the mother Guari, to help the Gods. Mother Gauri appeared before the gods and heard their story about the power of Shumbh and Nishumbh. She then assumed the ferocious of Kali and destroyed the evil forces of Shumbh and Nishumbh and their two general Chand and Mund.
Kali is thus mother Gauri, the present wife of Lord Shiva, in his destructive aspect is known as Mahakala and the Divine mother Gauri as Kali or Mahakali.
Spiritual Benefits of Goddess Kali
Kali is the goddess of this transformation, which is essential for the renewal of energy and spiritual growth. Attachment to the material form causes fear of death, this is basic fear rooted deep in our brain stem and obstacle in the path of spiritual growth.
Invoking Kali by spiritual forces can bring an end to this threat. Kali thus removes the fear of death, the basic insecurity for the first chakra. For the ignorant ones who are attached to their physical body and are eternally secure, She is ferocious, but for the gods, she is Gauri, who has assumed the form of Kali to help them.
When the material attachments are removed by purification (Shudd buddhi), Kali is pleased and the sadhak can have a pleasant Kundalini experience, which leads to the realm of Ananda (bliss) and transcends him to the region of eternity, where there is no fear of death. therefore, the maha vidya that removes ignorance that makes us the fear of death.
Kali Yantra
Kali Yantra is based on the one given in Shakta Pramod a very popular Shakti scripture.
Outside square is known as Bhupur, the seat of Kali yantra is the same as for any other yantra. The two lines around the Bhupur and gates form the layer of solid, liquid, and gaseous.
Eight petaled Lotus represents Prakriti in kali yantra, the manifested phenomenon 1. Akasha 2. Air 3. Fire 4. Water 5. Earth 6. Mind 7. Intellect 8. Ego
Three circles inside the eight-petalled Lotus symbolize the three aspects of time to which this eight-petal of the nominal existence contribute their karmas.
Three triangles overlapping each other represent the three Gunas – sattva, rajas, and tamas which are the three qualities of Shakti. In the center is Bindu the central point of meditation – the divine mother kali itself.