Bhairavi Yantra 24 Carat Gold Plated
Bhairavi Yantra - 3 Inches
16 in stock

Bhairavi Yantra – 3 Inches

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.


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Details For Pooja / Energization

Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Bhairavi Yantra

Bhairavi Yantra belongs to The Fierce Goddess Bhairvi. The female incarnation of Lord Bhairava(Lord Shiva). She is a fiery, volcanic red complexion, with three, furious eyes, and disordered hairs matted and were tied up in a bun, decorated by a crescent moon as well as two devil horns sticking out from each side. with two protruding tusks hanging out from the ends of her bloody mouth. She wears red and blue garments and is adorned with a garland of skulls around her neck. Also, she wears a belt decorated with severed hands and bones attached to it. She is also decked with snakes and serpents too as her ornamentation, rarely she is seen wearing any jewelry on her limbs. She has four hands, two of which are open and two of which hold a rosary and book.

Goddess Bhairavi is almost interchangeable from the Goddess Kali. Also, referred to as Shubhamkari, who is good for good people and terrible to bad ones. Legend has it that, when Bhairavi entered the battlefield, her horrible appearance made the demons weak-kneed and cowered under her gaze. Most of the demons would start panicking the moment they saw her.

Placing the Yantra in the house means Goddess comes herself in Devotee’s house or office or anywhere it kept. It protects and dodges evil effects, negative effects around you. And helps to keep the evil objects away from you destroys it and blesses wealth. It acts as a shield to protect and save the worshipper from such miss fortunes and ensures his own. And his family and generates positivity and Blesses success, wealth, and prosperity. above all, Bhairavi is the deity of accomplishments and is frequently propitiated by business owners for success.

Benefits of Bhairavi Yantra

The Bhairavi Yantra is a powerful sacred geometric diagram associated with Bhairavi, one of the fierce forms of the Goddess Durga in Hinduism. Bhairavi is known to represent transformation, protection, and spiritual awakening. The Yantra is considered a tool for invoking her blessings and harnessing her energy for various purposes. 

1. Spiritual Awakening

  • The Bhairavi Yantra is believed to awaken dormant spiritual energies, guiding individuals toward higher consciousness and deeper self-awareness. It helps in the practice of meditation, aiding in the journey toward enlightenment.

2. Protection and Removal of Negativity

  • The Yantra is said to offer powerful protection against negative energies, obstacles, and evil influences. It shields the worshiper from spiritual attacks and helps eliminate harmful forces from their surroundings.

3. Healing and Wellness

  • It is considered a powerful remedy for physical and emotional healing. The Bhairavi Yantra is thought to have a purifying effect on the body and mind, promoting overall well-being. Regular chanting or worshiping the Yantra is believed to bring harmony to the mind-body connection.

4. Manifestation of Desires

  • Devotees use the Bhairavi Yantra for the fulfillment of wishes and material desires. It is believed to attract abundance, wealth, and success, especially in situations requiring courage, determination, or major transformation.

5. Removal of Fear and Anxiety

  • Worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra can help in overcoming fear, anxiety, and mental stress. It is said to offer the devotee courage and strength to face life’s challenges with confidence.

6. Enhances Focus and Concentration

  • The Yantra is known to improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is particularly helpful for those looking to advance in studies, intellectual endeavors, or professional pursuits.

7. Balance and Harmony

  • The Bhairavi Yantra is also linked to emotional balance. It helps in calming emotional turbulence and harmonizing conflicting thoughts, bringing peace to the mind and heart.

8. Transformation and Rebirth

  • Bhairavi is associated with the energy of transformation. The Yantra is said to assist individuals in experiencing spiritual rebirth, helping them shed their old habits and start afresh with a renewed perspective.

Benefits of Bhairavi Yantra In Hindi / (भैरवी यंत्र के लाभ)

भैरवी यंत्र एक शक्तिशाली पवित्र ज्यामितीय चित्र है, जो हिन्दू धर्म में देवी दुर्गा के एक भयंकर रूप, भैरवी से संबंधित है। भैरवी को परिवर्तन, रक्षा और आध्यात्मिक जागृति का प्रतीक माना जाता है। यंत्र को उसकी आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने और उसकी ऊर्जा का विभिन्न उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग करने का एक उपकरण माना जाता है। यहाँ भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा या उपयोग के प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. आध्यात्मिक जागृति
    भैरवी यंत्र को विश्वास किया जाता है कि यह सोई हुई आध्यात्मिक ऊर्जा को जागृत करता है, व्यक्तियों को उच्च चेतना और गहरी आत्म-जागरूकता की ओर मार्गदर्शन करता है। यह ध्यान साधना में मदद करता है, जो मोक्ष की यात्रा में सहायक होता है।
  2. रक्षा और नकारात्मकता का नाश
    यह यंत्र नकारात्मक ऊर्जा, रुकावटों और बुरे प्रभावों से शक्तिशाली रक्षा प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है। यह पूजा करने वाले को आध्यात्मिक आक्रमणों से बचाता है और उनके चारों ओर से हानिकारक शक्तियों को समाप्त करने में मदद करता है।
  3. चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य
    यह शारीरिक और मानसिक चिकित्सा के लिए एक शक्तिशाली उपाय माना जाता है। भैरवी यंत्र को शरीर और मन पर शुद्धिकरण का प्रभाव डालने वाला माना जाता है, जो समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है। नियमित रूप से यंत्र का जाप या पूजा करने से मन-शरीर के संबंध में सामंजस्य आता है।
  4. इच्छाओं का प्रकट होना
    भक्त भैरवी यंत्र का उपयोग इच्छाओं और भौतिक इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए करते हैं। यह समृद्धि, संपत्ति और सफलता को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है, खासकर उन स्थितियों में जहाँ साहस, दृढ़ नायकत्व या बड़े परिवर्तन की आवश्यकता होती है।
  5. डर और चिंता का निवारण
    भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा डर, चिंता और मानसिक तनाव को पार करने में मदद कर सकती है। यह भक्त को जीवन की चुनौतियों का सामना करने के लिए साहस और शक्ति प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है।
  6. फोकस और एकाग्रता में वृद्धि
    यह यंत्र मानसिक स्पष्टता, ध्यान और एकाग्रता को बढ़ाने के लिए जाना जाता है। यह विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए सहायक है जो अध्ययन, बौद्धिक प्रयासों या व्यावसायिक प्रयासों में सफलता प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं।
  7. संतुलन और सामंजस्य
    भैरवी यंत्र भावनात्मक संतुलन से भी जुड़ा हुआ है। यह भावनात्मक अशांति को शांत करने और विरोधी विचारों को समायोजित करने में मदद करता है, जिससे मन और हृदय में शांति आती है।
  8. परिवर्तन और पुनर्जन्म
    भैरवी परिवर्तन की ऊर्जा से जुड़ी हुई हैं। यह यंत्र व्यक्तियों को आध्यात्मिक पुनर्जन्म का अनुभव करने में मदद करता है, जिससे वे अपनी पुरानी आदतों को छोड़कर एक नवीनीकृत दृष्टिकोण के साथ नई शुरुआत कर सकते हैं।

How To Worship Bhairavi Yantra / (भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra involves following specific rituals, meditation practices, and devotion. Bhairavi, a powerful form of the Goddess Shakti, represents strength, transformation, and the divine feminine energy. The Bhairavi Yantra is a sacred geometric representation of the Goddess, and it is believed to invoke her blessings for protection, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Below is a guide on how to properly worship the Bhairavi Yantra:

1. Choose a Sacred Place

  • Find a clean and quiet place where you can meditate without disturbances. It is ideal to set up an altar with a beautiful cloth or a raised platform to place the yantra.
  • Light a lamp (preferably ghee or oil) to create a spiritually charged atmosphere.

2. Prepare the Yantra

  • Obtain a Bhairavi Yantra: It can be a physical yantra engraved on copper, silver, or paper. You can also draw the yantra yourself with devotion on a clean sheet of paper.
  • Ensure the yantra is placed facing the right direction, ideally to the north or east.

3. Cleanse the Yantra

  • Before worshiping the yantra, cleanse it by sprinkling water or performing Abhishek (ritual bath) using purified water, milk, honey, or sandalwood paste.
  • You may also chant a mantra like “Om Bhairavi Namah” during the cleansing process to purify the yantra and prepare it for worship.

4. Offer Sacred Items

  • Flowers: Offer fresh flowers to the yantra as a symbol of respect and devotion.
  • Fruits or Sweets: Offer fruits or sweets to the Goddess as an expression of gratitude and devotion.
  • Incense or Dhoop: Light incense sticks to purify the surroundings and create a fragrant atmosphere.
  • Water or Milk: Pour water or milk around the yantra as an offering to invoke divine blessings.

5. Chant the Bhairavi Mantra

  • The primary mantra for worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra is:
    • “Om Bhairavi Namah”
    • Chant this mantra 108 times using a mala (rosary). Alternatively, you can also chant it in multiples of 11, 27, or 108, depending on the time you have.
    • While chanting, focus your mind on the yantra and visualize the Goddess Bhairavi bestowing her power upon you.

6. Meditate on the Yantra

  • After chanting the mantra, close your eyes and meditate on the Bhairavi Yantra. Imagine the goddess’s energy flowing into you, granting protection, wisdom, and strength.
  • Visualize the yantra’s geometric form as an embodiment of divine energy, feeling the vibrations and aligning your spirit with that of the Goddess.

7. Perform Arati or Prayer

  • Perform Arati (a prayer offering accompanied by the light of a flame) with a lamp, offering devotion to the Goddess Bhairavi.
  • You can recite verses or prayers dedicated to Goddess Bhairavi or simply speak from the heart, expressing your desires, gratitude, and devotion.

8. Close the Worship

  • After chanting and meditating, close the ritual by bowing your head in reverence to the Goddess.
  • Thank the Goddess for her blessings and express your gratitude.
  • You may distribute the offerings (such as flowers, fruits, or sweets) to others or keep them as a token of divine blessing.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Bhairavi Yantra – 3 Inches


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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Bhairavi Yantra

Bhairavi Yantra belongs to The Fierce Goddess Bhairvi. The female incarnation of Lord Bhairava(Lord Shiva). She is a fiery, volcanic red complexion, with three, furious eyes, and disordered hairs matted and were tied up in a bun, decorated by a crescent moon as well as two devil horns sticking out from each side. with two protruding tusks hanging out from the ends of her bloody mouth. She wears red and blue garments and is adorned with a garland of skulls around her neck. Also, she wears a belt decorated with severed hands and bones attached to it. She is also decked with snakes and serpents too as her ornamentation, rarely she is seen wearing any jewelry on her limbs. She has four hands, two of which are open and two of which hold a rosary and book.

Goddess Bhairavi is almost interchangeable from the Goddess Kali. Also, referred to as Shubhamkari, who is good for good people and terrible to bad ones. Legend has it that, when Bhairavi entered the battlefield, her horrible appearance made the demons weak-kneed and cowered under her gaze. Most of the demons would start panicking the moment they saw her.

Placing the Yantra in the house means Goddess comes herself in Devotee’s house or office or anywhere it kept. It protects and dodges evil effects, negative effects around you. And helps to keep the evil objects away from you destroys it and blesses wealth. It acts as a shield to protect and save the worshipper from such miss fortunes and ensures his own. And his family and generates positivity and Blesses success, wealth, and prosperity. above all, Bhairavi is the deity of accomplishments and is frequently propitiated by business owners for success.

Benefits of Bhairavi Yantra

The Bhairavi Yantra is a powerful sacred geometric diagram associated with Bhairavi, one of the fierce forms of the Goddess Durga in Hinduism. Bhairavi is known to represent transformation, protection, and spiritual awakening. The Yantra is considered a tool for invoking her blessings and harnessing her energy for various purposes. 

1. Spiritual Awakening

  • The Bhairavi Yantra is believed to awaken dormant spiritual energies, guiding individuals toward higher consciousness and deeper self-awareness. It helps in the practice of meditation, aiding in the journey toward enlightenment.

2. Protection and Removal of Negativity

  • The Yantra is said to offer powerful protection against negative energies, obstacles, and evil influences. It shields the worshiper from spiritual attacks and helps eliminate harmful forces from their surroundings.

3. Healing and Wellness

  • It is considered a powerful remedy for physical and emotional healing. The Bhairavi Yantra is thought to have a purifying effect on the body and mind, promoting overall well-being. Regular chanting or worshiping the Yantra is believed to bring harmony to the mind-body connection.

4. Manifestation of Desires

  • Devotees use the Bhairavi Yantra for the fulfillment of wishes and material desires. It is believed to attract abundance, wealth, and success, especially in situations requiring courage, determination, or major transformation.

5. Removal of Fear and Anxiety

  • Worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra can help in overcoming fear, anxiety, and mental stress. It is said to offer the devotee courage and strength to face life’s challenges with confidence.

6. Enhances Focus and Concentration

  • The Yantra is known to improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is particularly helpful for those looking to advance in studies, intellectual endeavors, or professional pursuits.

7. Balance and Harmony

  • The Bhairavi Yantra is also linked to emotional balance. It helps in calming emotional turbulence and harmonizing conflicting thoughts, bringing peace to the mind and heart.

8. Transformation and Rebirth

  • Bhairavi is associated with the energy of transformation. The Yantra is said to assist individuals in experiencing spiritual rebirth, helping them shed their old habits and start afresh with a renewed perspective.

Benefits of Bhairavi Yantra In Hindi / (भैरवी यंत्र के लाभ)

भैरवी यंत्र एक शक्तिशाली पवित्र ज्यामितीय चित्र है, जो हिन्दू धर्म में देवी दुर्गा के एक भयंकर रूप, भैरवी से संबंधित है। भैरवी को परिवर्तन, रक्षा और आध्यात्मिक जागृति का प्रतीक माना जाता है। यंत्र को उसकी आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने और उसकी ऊर्जा का विभिन्न उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग करने का एक उपकरण माना जाता है। यहाँ भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा या उपयोग के प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. आध्यात्मिक जागृति
    भैरवी यंत्र को विश्वास किया जाता है कि यह सोई हुई आध्यात्मिक ऊर्जा को जागृत करता है, व्यक्तियों को उच्च चेतना और गहरी आत्म-जागरूकता की ओर मार्गदर्शन करता है। यह ध्यान साधना में मदद करता है, जो मोक्ष की यात्रा में सहायक होता है।
  2. रक्षा और नकारात्मकता का नाश
    यह यंत्र नकारात्मक ऊर्जा, रुकावटों और बुरे प्रभावों से शक्तिशाली रक्षा प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है। यह पूजा करने वाले को आध्यात्मिक आक्रमणों से बचाता है और उनके चारों ओर से हानिकारक शक्तियों को समाप्त करने में मदद करता है।
  3. चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य
    यह शारीरिक और मानसिक चिकित्सा के लिए एक शक्तिशाली उपाय माना जाता है। भैरवी यंत्र को शरीर और मन पर शुद्धिकरण का प्रभाव डालने वाला माना जाता है, जो समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है। नियमित रूप से यंत्र का जाप या पूजा करने से मन-शरीर के संबंध में सामंजस्य आता है।
  4. इच्छाओं का प्रकट होना
    भक्त भैरवी यंत्र का उपयोग इच्छाओं और भौतिक इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए करते हैं। यह समृद्धि, संपत्ति और सफलता को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है, खासकर उन स्थितियों में जहाँ साहस, दृढ़ नायकत्व या बड़े परिवर्तन की आवश्यकता होती है।
  5. डर और चिंता का निवारण
    भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा डर, चिंता और मानसिक तनाव को पार करने में मदद कर सकती है। यह भक्त को जीवन की चुनौतियों का सामना करने के लिए साहस और शक्ति प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है।
  6. फोकस और एकाग्रता में वृद्धि
    यह यंत्र मानसिक स्पष्टता, ध्यान और एकाग्रता को बढ़ाने के लिए जाना जाता है। यह विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए सहायक है जो अध्ययन, बौद्धिक प्रयासों या व्यावसायिक प्रयासों में सफलता प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं।
  7. संतुलन और सामंजस्य
    भैरवी यंत्र भावनात्मक संतुलन से भी जुड़ा हुआ है। यह भावनात्मक अशांति को शांत करने और विरोधी विचारों को समायोजित करने में मदद करता है, जिससे मन और हृदय में शांति आती है।
  8. परिवर्तन और पुनर्जन्म
    भैरवी परिवर्तन की ऊर्जा से जुड़ी हुई हैं। यह यंत्र व्यक्तियों को आध्यात्मिक पुनर्जन्म का अनुभव करने में मदद करता है, जिससे वे अपनी पुरानी आदतों को छोड़कर एक नवीनीकृत दृष्टिकोण के साथ नई शुरुआत कर सकते हैं।

How To Worship Bhairavi Yantra / (भैरवी यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra involves following specific rituals, meditation practices, and devotion. Bhairavi, a powerful form of the Goddess Shakti, represents strength, transformation, and the divine feminine energy. The Bhairavi Yantra is a sacred geometric representation of the Goddess, and it is believed to invoke her blessings for protection, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Below is a guide on how to properly worship the Bhairavi Yantra:

1. Choose a Sacred Place

  • Find a clean and quiet place where you can meditate without disturbances. It is ideal to set up an altar with a beautiful cloth or a raised platform to place the yantra.
  • Light a lamp (preferably ghee or oil) to create a spiritually charged atmosphere.

2. Prepare the Yantra

  • Obtain a Bhairavi Yantra: It can be a physical yantra engraved on copper, silver, or paper. You can also draw the yantra yourself with devotion on a clean sheet of paper.
  • Ensure the yantra is placed facing the right direction, ideally to the north or east.

3. Cleanse the Yantra

  • Before worshiping the yantra, cleanse it by sprinkling water or performing Abhishek (ritual bath) using purified water, milk, honey, or sandalwood paste.
  • You may also chant a mantra like “Om Bhairavi Namah” during the cleansing process to purify the yantra and prepare it for worship.

4. Offer Sacred Items

  • Flowers: Offer fresh flowers to the yantra as a symbol of respect and devotion.
  • Fruits or Sweets: Offer fruits or sweets to the Goddess as an expression of gratitude and devotion.
  • Incense or Dhoop: Light incense sticks to purify the surroundings and create a fragrant atmosphere.
  • Water or Milk: Pour water or milk around the yantra as an offering to invoke divine blessings.

5. Chant the Bhairavi Mantra

  • The primary mantra for worshiping the Bhairavi Yantra is:
    • “Om Bhairavi Namah”
    • Chant this mantra 108 times using a mala (rosary). Alternatively, you can also chant it in multiples of 11, 27, or 108, depending on the time you have.
    • While chanting, focus your mind on the yantra and visualize the Goddess Bhairavi bestowing her power upon you.

6. Meditate on the Yantra

  • After chanting the mantra, close your eyes and meditate on the Bhairavi Yantra. Imagine the goddess’s energy flowing into you, granting protection, wisdom, and strength.
  • Visualize the yantra’s geometric form as an embodiment of divine energy, feeling the vibrations and aligning your spirit with that of the Goddess.

7. Perform Arati or Prayer

  • Perform Arati (a prayer offering accompanied by the light of a flame) with a lamp, offering devotion to the Goddess Bhairavi.
  • You can recite verses or prayers dedicated to Goddess Bhairavi or simply speak from the heart, expressing your desires, gratitude, and devotion.

8. Close the Worship

  • After chanting and meditating, close the ritual by bowing your head in reverence to the Goddess.
  • Thank the Goddess for her blessings and express your gratitude.
  • You may distribute the offerings (such as flowers, fruits, or sweets) to others or keep them as a token of divine blessing.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
Select Size

3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Dome Shree Yantra Gold Plated With Frame – 6 Inches

Original price was: ₹5,000.Current price is: ₹4,000.

Height – 6 Inches

Width – 6 Inches

Dome Shree Yantra Gold Plated With Beautiful Frame

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Sodalite Shivling 2.5 Inches 157 Grams

Original price was: ₹3,550.Current price is: ₹2,550.

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  • Comes with Lab certificate
  • Height – 2.5 Inches
  • Width – 2.75 Inches
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Premium Rudraksh Mala 8 mm – 16 inches

Original price was: ₹2,100.Current price is: ₹1,500.

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  • Number of Beads – 108+1
  • Length – 16″ Inches One Side ( 32 Inches Total )
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (22.10 mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (23.00 mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (21.31 mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (23.48 mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: C5mrn23.48mm Category:
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (22.32 mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: C5mrn22.32mm Category:
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