Shri Ram Raksha Yantra Gold Plated
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Shri Ram Raksha Yantra Gold Plated

  • Auspiciously Made According to the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.


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Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra

The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and sacred instrument in Hinduism, associated with Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. “Raksha” means protection, and “Yantra” refers to a mystical diagram or device used in spiritual practices for various purposes, including protection, invoking divine blessings, and removing obstacles.

The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and revered Hindu talisman that offers protection and blessings. Rooted in the divine energy of Lord Shri Ram, this yantra is believed to safeguard the individual from all forms of physical, mental, and spiritual challenges. The Raksha Yantra, in particular, symbolizes divine protection and acts as a shield against negative energies, adversities, and evil forces. It is considered a potent spiritual tool that invokes Lord Ram’s blessings for a safe, prosperous, and harmonious life.

The yantra itself is composed of intricate geometric patterns and symbols that represent the auspicious and sacred vibrations of Lord Ram. It typically contains a central mantra, “Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram”, inscribed around the yantra, which is the most revered chant dedicated to Lord Ram. This mantra, when recited or meditated upon while focusing on the yantra, is believed to attract divine blessings, remove obstacles, and protect the devotee from harm.

Benefis Of Shri Ram Raksha Yantra :

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a sacred and powerful yantra associated with Lord Shri Ram, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. The word Raksha means “protection,” and Yantra refers to a mystical diagram or geometric figure that represents specific energies and divine powers. The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Ram, providing protection, strength, and spiritual progress to the devotee.

  1. Protection from Negative Forces:
    • The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is believed to provide a shield of divine protection against evil forces, black magic, and negative energies. It guards the devotee from harm and danger, both physically and mentally.
  2. Removal of Obstacles:
    • It is said to help overcome obstacles in life, be it personal, financial, or professional. By invoking the energy of Lord Ram, the yantra helps clear paths for success and smoothens challenging situations.
  3. Brings Peace and Harmony:
    • The yantra has a calming effect and is believed to bring peace and tranquility to the mind. It helps in resolving conflicts, whether in personal relationships or at work, and promotes harmony and understanding.
  4. Spiritual Growth and Blessings:
    • Chanting mantras associated with the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra or meditating upon it can lead to spiritual upliftment. Devotees feel a deeper connection to the divine and experience growth in their spiritual journey.
  5. Victory and Success:
    • Lord Ram is considered the epitome of righteousness (dharma) and truth. Using the yantra is said to help one stay on the righteous path, which eventually leads to success in all endeavors and triumph over adversities.
  6. Health and Well-being:
    • The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is also believed to promote good health by dispelling negative energy and attracting positive vibrations. It can help with the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of the individual.
  7. Improved Relationships:
    • The energy of Lord Ram is known for his loving and virtuous nature. By invoking the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra, one is said to experience better relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, fostering love and respect in interactions.
  8. Mental Clarity and Focus:
    • Lord Ram is also revered for his wisdom and decisive nature. The yantra can help sharpen the mind, bringing mental clarity, focus, and the ability to make sound decisions in life.

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री राम रक्षा यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र एक पवित्र और शक्तिशाली यंत्र है जो भगवान श्रीराम से जुड़ा हुआ है, जो हिंदू धर्म के सबसे पूज्य देवताओं में से एक हैं। ‘रक्षा’ शब्द का अर्थ है “सुरक्षा,” और ‘यंत्र’ का अर्थ है एक रहस्यमय चित्र या ज्यामितीय आकृति जो विशिष्ट ऊर्जा और दिव्य शक्तियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है। श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र का विश्वास है कि यह भगवान श्रीराम के आशीर्वाद को आमंत्रित करता है, जिससे भक्त को सुरक्षा, शक्ति और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति प्राप्त होती है।

  1. नकारात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र को नकारात्मक शक्तियों, काले जादू और नकारात्मक ऊर्जा से सुरक्षा प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है। यह भक्त को शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से हानि और संकट से बचाता है।
  2. अवरोधों का निवारण: यह यंत्र जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में आनेवाले अड़चनों को दूर करने में सहायक माना जाता है, चाहे वह व्यक्तिगत, वित्तीय या व्यावसायिक जीवन में हों। भगवान राम की ऊर्जा को आमंत्रित करके यह यंत्र सफलता की राह खोलता है और चुनौतीपूर्ण परिस्थितियों को सहज बनाता है।
  3. शांति और सौहार्द: यह यंत्र मानसिक शांति और शांति का अनुभव करने में मदद करता है। यह व्यक्तिगत संबंधों और कार्यस्थल पर संघर्षों को सुलझाने में मदद करता है और सौहार्द और समझ को बढ़ावा देता है।
  4. आध्यात्मिक वृद्धि और आशीर्वाद: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र के साथ मंत्रों का जाप या ध्यान लगाने से आध्यात्मिक उन्नति होती है। भक्त भगवान राम से गहरे संबंध अनुभव करते हैं और अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में विकास महसूस करते हैं।
  5. विजय और सफलता: भगवान राम को धर्म और सत्य के आदर्श के रूप में माना जाता है। यंत्र का उपयोग व्यक्ति को धार्मिक मार्ग पर चलने की प्रेरणा देता है, जिससे अंततः वह जीवन में सफलता प्राप्त करता है और सभी बाधाओं पर विजय प्राप्त करता है।
  6. स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को नष्ट करके सकारात्मक तरंगों को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है, जिससे मानसिक, भावनात्मक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा मिलता है।
  7. संबंधों में सुधार: भगवान राम के प्रेमपूर्ण और सद्गुणपूर्ण स्वभाव से प्रेरित होकर, यह यंत्र व्यक्ति के परिवार, दोस्तों और सहकर्मियों के साथ बेहतर संबंध बनाने में मदद करता है। यह प्रेम और सम्मान को बढ़ावा देता है।
  8. मानसिक स्पष्टता और ध्यान: भगवान राम को उनके ज्ञान और निर्णायक स्वभाव के लिए सम्मानित किया जाता है। यह यंत्र मानसिक स्पष्टता, ध्यान और जीवन में सही निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को बढ़ावा देता है।

How To Worship Shri Ram Raksha Yantra / ( श्री राम रक्षा यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and effective practice to seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ram for protection, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is an ancient Hindu yantra (a sacred geometric design) believed to be infused with the divine energies of Lord Ram, which can bring peace, harmony, and remove obstacles from one’s life. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to worship the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra:

1. Prepare the Place for Worship

  • Clean the Area: Choose a clean, quiet, and sacred place for performing the worship. A small altar or a clean table can be used.
  • Purify the Environment: It is important to purify the space before starting the worship. You can sprinkle holy water, light incense sticks, and keep a lamp (diya) in the worship area.
  • Set up the Yantra: Place the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra on a clean cloth or a small wooden platform. The yantra should face the east or north direction for maximum benefit.

2. Perform Rituals of Cleanliness (Aachman)

  • Take a Bath: Before worshiping the yantra, it’s advisable to take a bath to purify yourself physically.
  • Wear Clean Clothes: Put on clean, preferably white clothes, as they are considered pure during the worship.
  • Sit in a Calm Position: Sit on a mat or asana facing the yantra with full concentration.

3. Offer Fresh Flowers

  • Place fresh flowers (preferably marigold or white flowers) in front of the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra. Flowers represent devotion and purity.
  • You may also offer fruits or Prasadam, if desired.

4. Light a Lamp (Diya)

  • Light an oil lamp (preferably ghee lamp) or a diya in front of the yantra.
  • The light symbolizes the removal of darkness and ignorance, bringing the blessings of Lord Ram into your life.

5. Recite the Shri Ram Raksha Stotra

  • The Shri Ram Raksha Stotra is a powerful prayer that protects the devotee from all sorts of troubles. You can recite this stotra 108 times or at least once with full devotion.
  • While reciting, focus your attention on Lord Ram and visualize His divine protection surrounding you.

Here’s a portion of the stotra you can start with:

“Shri Ram Ram Rameti, Rame Rame Manorame,

Sahasranama Tattulyam, Ramanaama Varanane.”

This can be recited in multiples of 108 or 21, depending on your devotion and available time.

6. Chant the Mantras

  • Apart from the Shri Ram Raksha Stotra, you can chant the sacred mantra “Om Shri Ramaya Namah” or “Jai Shri Ram” as many times as possible.
  • 108 repetitions are ideal, but you can increase or decrease depending on the time and your devotion.

7. Offer Water and Bilva Leaves (Optional)

  • Water can be offered to Lord Ram in a small vessel or tumbler.
  • You may also offer Bilva leaves or Tulsi (holy basil) as offerings to the yantra, though this is optional. Tulsi is especially dear to Lord Vishnu, and since Lord Ram is considered an incarnation of Vishnu, offering Tulsi is beneficial.

8. Meditate and Focus on Lord Ram

  • After reciting the stotra and mantras, sit in a meditative position and visualize Lord Shri Ram in your heart or in front of you.
  • Meditate on His divine form, His qualities, and His protection over you. Try to feel a connection with His presence and seek His blessings for strength, protection, and peace in your life.
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Shri Ram Raksha Yantra Gold Plated


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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously Made According to the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra

The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and sacred instrument in Hinduism, associated with Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. “Raksha” means protection, and “Yantra” refers to a mystical diagram or device used in spiritual practices for various purposes, including protection, invoking divine blessings, and removing obstacles.

The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and revered Hindu talisman that offers protection and blessings. Rooted in the divine energy of Lord Shri Ram, this yantra is believed to safeguard the individual from all forms of physical, mental, and spiritual challenges. The Raksha Yantra, in particular, symbolizes divine protection and acts as a shield against negative energies, adversities, and evil forces. It is considered a potent spiritual tool that invokes Lord Ram’s blessings for a safe, prosperous, and harmonious life.

The yantra itself is composed of intricate geometric patterns and symbols that represent the auspicious and sacred vibrations of Lord Ram. It typically contains a central mantra, “Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram”, inscribed around the yantra, which is the most revered chant dedicated to Lord Ram. This mantra, when recited or meditated upon while focusing on the yantra, is believed to attract divine blessings, remove obstacles, and protect the devotee from harm.

Benefis Of Shri Ram Raksha Yantra :

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a sacred and powerful yantra associated with Lord Shri Ram, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. The word Raksha means “protection,” and Yantra refers to a mystical diagram or geometric figure that represents specific energies and divine powers. The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Ram, providing protection, strength, and spiritual progress to the devotee.

  1. Protection from Negative Forces:
    • The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is believed to provide a shield of divine protection against evil forces, black magic, and negative energies. It guards the devotee from harm and danger, both physically and mentally.
  2. Removal of Obstacles:
    • It is said to help overcome obstacles in life, be it personal, financial, or professional. By invoking the energy of Lord Ram, the yantra helps clear paths for success and smoothens challenging situations.
  3. Brings Peace and Harmony:
    • The yantra has a calming effect and is believed to bring peace and tranquility to the mind. It helps in resolving conflicts, whether in personal relationships or at work, and promotes harmony and understanding.
  4. Spiritual Growth and Blessings:
    • Chanting mantras associated with the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra or meditating upon it can lead to spiritual upliftment. Devotees feel a deeper connection to the divine and experience growth in their spiritual journey.
  5. Victory and Success:
    • Lord Ram is considered the epitome of righteousness (dharma) and truth. Using the yantra is said to help one stay on the righteous path, which eventually leads to success in all endeavors and triumph over adversities.
  6. Health and Well-being:
    • The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is also believed to promote good health by dispelling negative energy and attracting positive vibrations. It can help with the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of the individual.
  7. Improved Relationships:
    • The energy of Lord Ram is known for his loving and virtuous nature. By invoking the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra, one is said to experience better relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, fostering love and respect in interactions.
  8. Mental Clarity and Focus:
    • Lord Ram is also revered for his wisdom and decisive nature. The yantra can help sharpen the mind, bringing mental clarity, focus, and the ability to make sound decisions in life.

Shri Ram Raksha Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री राम रक्षा यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र एक पवित्र और शक्तिशाली यंत्र है जो भगवान श्रीराम से जुड़ा हुआ है, जो हिंदू धर्म के सबसे पूज्य देवताओं में से एक हैं। ‘रक्षा’ शब्द का अर्थ है “सुरक्षा,” और ‘यंत्र’ का अर्थ है एक रहस्यमय चित्र या ज्यामितीय आकृति जो विशिष्ट ऊर्जा और दिव्य शक्तियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है। श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र का विश्वास है कि यह भगवान श्रीराम के आशीर्वाद को आमंत्रित करता है, जिससे भक्त को सुरक्षा, शक्ति और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति प्राप्त होती है।

  1. नकारात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र को नकारात्मक शक्तियों, काले जादू और नकारात्मक ऊर्जा से सुरक्षा प्रदान करने वाला माना जाता है। यह भक्त को शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से हानि और संकट से बचाता है।
  2. अवरोधों का निवारण: यह यंत्र जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में आनेवाले अड़चनों को दूर करने में सहायक माना जाता है, चाहे वह व्यक्तिगत, वित्तीय या व्यावसायिक जीवन में हों। भगवान राम की ऊर्जा को आमंत्रित करके यह यंत्र सफलता की राह खोलता है और चुनौतीपूर्ण परिस्थितियों को सहज बनाता है।
  3. शांति और सौहार्द: यह यंत्र मानसिक शांति और शांति का अनुभव करने में मदद करता है। यह व्यक्तिगत संबंधों और कार्यस्थल पर संघर्षों को सुलझाने में मदद करता है और सौहार्द और समझ को बढ़ावा देता है।
  4. आध्यात्मिक वृद्धि और आशीर्वाद: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र के साथ मंत्रों का जाप या ध्यान लगाने से आध्यात्मिक उन्नति होती है। भक्त भगवान राम से गहरे संबंध अनुभव करते हैं और अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में विकास महसूस करते हैं।
  5. विजय और सफलता: भगवान राम को धर्म और सत्य के आदर्श के रूप में माना जाता है। यंत्र का उपयोग व्यक्ति को धार्मिक मार्ग पर चलने की प्रेरणा देता है, जिससे अंततः वह जीवन में सफलता प्राप्त करता है और सभी बाधाओं पर विजय प्राप्त करता है।
  6. स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण: श्रीराम रक्षायंत्र नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को नष्ट करके सकारात्मक तरंगों को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है, जिससे मानसिक, भावनात्मक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा मिलता है।
  7. संबंधों में सुधार: भगवान राम के प्रेमपूर्ण और सद्गुणपूर्ण स्वभाव से प्रेरित होकर, यह यंत्र व्यक्ति के परिवार, दोस्तों और सहकर्मियों के साथ बेहतर संबंध बनाने में मदद करता है। यह प्रेम और सम्मान को बढ़ावा देता है।
  8. मानसिक स्पष्टता और ध्यान: भगवान राम को उनके ज्ञान और निर्णायक स्वभाव के लिए सम्मानित किया जाता है। यह यंत्र मानसिक स्पष्टता, ध्यान और जीवन में सही निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को बढ़ावा देता है।

How To Worship Shri Ram Raksha Yantra / ( श्री राम रक्षा यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is a powerful and effective practice to seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ram for protection, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. The Shri Ram Raksha Yantra is an ancient Hindu yantra (a sacred geometric design) believed to be infused with the divine energies of Lord Ram, which can bring peace, harmony, and remove obstacles from one’s life. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to worship the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra:

1. Prepare the Place for Worship

  • Clean the Area: Choose a clean, quiet, and sacred place for performing the worship. A small altar or a clean table can be used.
  • Purify the Environment: It is important to purify the space before starting the worship. You can sprinkle holy water, light incense sticks, and keep a lamp (diya) in the worship area.
  • Set up the Yantra: Place the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra on a clean cloth or a small wooden platform. The yantra should face the east or north direction for maximum benefit.

2. Perform Rituals of Cleanliness (Aachman)

  • Take a Bath: Before worshiping the yantra, it’s advisable to take a bath to purify yourself physically.
  • Wear Clean Clothes: Put on clean, preferably white clothes, as they are considered pure during the worship.
  • Sit in a Calm Position: Sit on a mat or asana facing the yantra with full concentration.

3. Offer Fresh Flowers

  • Place fresh flowers (preferably marigold or white flowers) in front of the Shri Ram Raksha Yantra. Flowers represent devotion and purity.
  • You may also offer fruits or Prasadam, if desired.

4. Light a Lamp (Diya)

  • Light an oil lamp (preferably ghee lamp) or a diya in front of the yantra.
  • The light symbolizes the removal of darkness and ignorance, bringing the blessings of Lord Ram into your life.

5. Recite the Shri Ram Raksha Stotra

  • The Shri Ram Raksha Stotra is a powerful prayer that protects the devotee from all sorts of troubles. You can recite this stotra 108 times or at least once with full devotion.
  • While reciting, focus your attention on Lord Ram and visualize His divine protection surrounding you.

Here’s a portion of the stotra you can start with:

“Shri Ram Ram Rameti, Rame Rame Manorame,

Sahasranama Tattulyam, Ramanaama Varanane.”

This can be recited in multiples of 108 or 21, depending on your devotion and available time.

6. Chant the Mantras

  • Apart from the Shri Ram Raksha Stotra, you can chant the sacred mantra “Om Shri Ramaya Namah” or “Jai Shri Ram” as many times as possible.
  • 108 repetitions are ideal, but you can increase or decrease depending on the time and your devotion.

7. Offer Water and Bilva Leaves (Optional)

  • Water can be offered to Lord Ram in a small vessel or tumbler.
  • You may also offer Bilva leaves or Tulsi (holy basil) as offerings to the yantra, though this is optional. Tulsi is especially dear to Lord Vishnu, and since Lord Ram is considered an incarnation of Vishnu, offering Tulsi is beneficial.

8. Meditate and Focus on Lord Ram

  • After reciting the stotra and mantras, sit in a meditative position and visualize Lord Shri Ram in your heart or in front of you.
  • Meditate on His divine form, His qualities, and His protection over you. Try to feel a connection with His presence and seek His blessings for strength, protection, and peace in your life.
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
Select Size

3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Premium Moonstone Mala / Chandramani Mala – 19 Inches – 82 Grams

Original price was: ₹7,500.Current price is: ₹6,000.

Chandramani Mala – 19 Inches

Weight : 82 Grams

SKU: CMM19INCH Categories: ,
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Green Jade Shivling – 1 Inches (15 Grams)

Original price was: ₹500.Current price is: ₹400.

  • Natural Green Jade Shivling also called as Margaj Shivling
  • Dimension
  • Height – 1 inches
    Width – 1.25 inches
    Weight – 15 Grams
SKU: GJS15GM Category:
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Parad Shivling (1.75 Inches) – 270Grams

Original price was: ₹13,800.Current price is: ₹12,500.

  • Total Height – 1.75″
  • Total Weight – 1078gm
  • Total Width – .2 “
  • Comes with Lab Certificate of Purity
  • with a Mercury ratio of 65 to 70% Purity
  • Blessed and energized
  • High quality and fine finish and polish
SKU: PS270GM-1 Category:
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Parad Shivling (Shivling Jaladhari ) 1.5 Inches 228 Grams

Original price was: ₹12,500.Current price is: ₹9,520.

Weight – 228 GMS

Height – 1.5 inch

Width – 2 inch


SKU: PS228GMS Categories: ,
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (23.63mm)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: C5mrn23.63MM Category:
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal – (23.52 MM)


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Gurudev(Jupiter).
  • Blessed by the Lord Kaalagni Rudra.
  • Beneficial for Sagittarius(Dhanu Rashi), Pisces(Meena Rashi), and Aries(Mesha Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: C5mrn23.52MM Category:
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Gautam Swami Jain Statue In Ivory Yellow Stone – 1500 Grams – 7.75 Inches

Original price was: ₹15,000.Current price is: ₹11,000.

Gautam Swami Jain Statue In Ivory Yellow Stone

Height : 7.75 Inches

Width :4.75 Inches

Weight : 1500 Gram

SKU: GSJSIYS1500GM Category:
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3 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal ( 16.14 MM )


  • Best Season Selected beads from Nepal.
  • Ruled by Planet Mangaldev(Mars).
  • Blessed by the Agnidev(Sun).
  • Beneficial for Aries(Mesh Rashi), Cancer(Kark Rashi), Leo(Sinh Rashi), and Pisces(Meen Rashi).
  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: 3MR-16.64MM Category:
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