Nepal Rudraksha Beads

Nepal Rudraksha bead has fascinated people across the world due to its mystical properties.

It is amazaing that a seed of a fruit grown on trees has gone on to receive so much attention and created so much interest worldwide.

Apart from Hindu religious saints, its users and worshippers vary from artisans, housewives, academicians to businessmen.

Rudraksha is known and has been in use from time immemorail. Its origins are traced to Lord Shiva, one of the Trinities of he Hindu religion. From ancient times, Shiva's images and idols are shown wearing these beads. Rudraksha is for self-empowerment and for bringing about positive changes from within.It has been generally found that people suffering from hypertension, diabetes, stomach disorders, stress, arthritis and fear get beneficial results by wearing rudraksha. Even disorders like asthma, insomnia and hypertension get cured or controlled by wearing rudraksha alone in some cases and along with fundamental natural therapies or herbal treatments in other cases. Such therapies can be yoga, pranayam, sun therapy and use of ayurvedic herbal products.
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