Chandra - Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra Golden Plated
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Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra Golden Plated

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
  • Yantras are premium quality and heavy guage.


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Details For Pooja / Energization

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Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra 

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a powerful and sacred tool used in Vedic astrology and Hindu traditions to mitigate the malefic effects caused by the conjunction of Chandra (Moon) and Rahu (North Node of the Moon) in a person’s horoscope. The conjunction of these two celestial bodies can create a Grahan or Eclipse yoga, which is believed to cause various challenges and imbalances in life. This Yantra is designed to nullify such negative influences and restore peace, prosperity, and mental well-being.

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a powerful and auspicious tool used to address the negative effects of the combination of the Moon (Chandra) and Rahu in a person’s astrological chart. According to Vedic astrology, the placement of these two celestial bodies in specific positions can lead to an unfavorable Grahanyog, which may cause emotional instability, confusion, and mental distress in the life of an individual. This yantra is believed to help mitigate such adverse effects by harmonizing the energies associated with Chandra (the Moon) and Rahu (the shadow planet).

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra typically consists of a geometric pattern inscribed on a metal plate, often made of copper or other auspicious materials. The yantra is designed with specific symbols, mantras, and sacred geometrical patterns that resonate with the cosmic forces of Chandra and Rahu. The yantra is meant to be worshipped with proper rituals and recitation of the associated mantras to remove the malefic influence of the Grahanyog, restoring balance and peace to the person’s mental and emotional state.

Benefits Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra 

The Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a spiritual tool designed to neutralize the negative effects of the combination of the Moon (Chandra) and the shadow planet Rahu in astrology. The conjunction of these two planets can bring various challenges in an individual’s life, including emotional imbalances, confusion, mental stress, and obstacles in spiritual or material progress.

This yantra, which is a sacred geometric design, is believed to have various benefits related to the appeasement of the planetary energies and is used for remedies in Vedic astrology.

Mental Peace and Clarity: The combination of Chandra (Moon) and Rahu can lead to confusion, emotional instability, and mental restlessness. The yantra helps calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and bring mental clarity, enabling the individual to make better decisions.

  1. Balancing Emotions: Rahu and Chandra together can cause mood swings and emotional turbulence. The yantra is believed to stabilize emotions, promote emotional healing, and ensure a balanced mental state.
  2. Protection from Negative Influences: The yantra is said to protect the person from the malefic effects of Rahu and the Moon, including sudden, unexplained events, mental disturbance, and negative karmas associated with these planets.
  3. Improved Intuition and Spiritual Growth: The Moon governs intuition, and Rahu can amplify psychic abilities. However, this combination might lead to confusion in interpreting intuitive signals. The yantra helps enhance spiritual awareness and intuitive abilities, guiding the individual toward personal growth.
  4. Wealth and Success: As Rahu is associated with desires and material pursuits, and the Moon influences the mind and emotional connection to wealth, the yantra is thought to attract prosperity and success in business, career, and finances by harmonizing these energies.
  5. Physical and Health Benefits: The energy of the yantra is also believed to help mitigate health issues related to the lunar cycle and Rahu’s influence, including sleep disorders, digestive problems, and other health concerns linked to emotional stress.
  6. Harmonizing Relationships: Rahu and Chandra may cause misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationships. Using the yantra is thought to bring harmony and understanding in both personal and professional relationships.
  7. Remedy for Doshas: The yantra is especially recommended if there are any doshas (flaws) related to the position of the Moon or Rahu in the natal chart, as it is said to help reduce the negative impacts and encourage positive life outcomes. 

Benefits Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra In Hindi / (लाभ चंद्र – राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र हिंदी में)

चंद्र – राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र एक आध्यात्मिक यंत्र है, जिसे ज्योतिष शास्त्र में चंद्र (चंद्रमा) और राहु के संयोजन से उत्पन्न नकारात्मक प्रभावों को दूर करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। चंद्र और राहु का यह संयोजन जीवन में विभिन्न समस्याएँ ला सकता है, जैसे कि मानसिक अस्थिरता, भ्रम, तनाव, और आध्यात्मिक या भौतिक उन्नति में रुकावटें।

यह यंत्र एक पवित्र ज्यामितीय रूप है, जो ग्रहों की ऊर्जा को शांत करने और ज्योतिषीय उपचारों के रूप में इस्तेमाल होता है।

  1. मानसिक शांति और स्पष्टता: चंद्र और राहु का संयोजन भ्रम, मानसिक अशांति और अस्थिरता का कारण बन सकता है। यह यंत्र मानसिक शांति लाने, चिंता कम करने और मानसिक स्पष्टता प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति बेहतर निर्णय ले सकता है।
  2. भावनाओं का संतुलन: राहु और चंद्र के संयोजन से मूड स्विंग्स और भावनात्मक उथल-पुथल हो सकती है। यह यंत्र भावनाओं को संतुलित करता है, भावनात्मक उपचार में मदद करता है और मानसिक स्थिति को स्थिर बनाता है।
  3. नकारात्मक प्रभावों से सुरक्षा: यह यंत्र राहु और चंद्र के दुष्प्रभावों से व्यक्ति को सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि अचानक घटनाएँ, मानसिक विकार, और इन ग्रहों से जुड़ी नकारात्मक कर्म।
  4. संवेदनशीलता और आध्यात्मिक विकास: चंद्रमा मानसिक संवेदनशीलता और सहजता को नियंत्रित करता है, जबकि राहु मानसिक शक्तियों को बढ़ा सकता है। हालांकि, इन दोनों के संयोजन से कई बार आंतरिक संकेतों को समझने में भ्रम हो सकता है। यह यंत्र आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता और सहज ज्ञान को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता है।
  5. धन और सफलता: राहु भौतिक इच्छाओं और चंद्रमा भावनाओं को प्रभावित करता है। यह यंत्र इन दोनों ग्रहों की ऊर्जा को सामंजस्यपूर्ण तरीके से कार्य करने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करता है, जिससे व्यवसाय, करियर और वित्त में समृद्धि और सफलता प्राप्त होती है।
  6. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: यह यंत्र चंद्रमा और राहु के प्रभावों से जुड़ी शारीरिक समस्याओं, जैसे नींद की समस्याएँ, पाचन संबंधी विकार, और मानसिक तनाव से उत्पन्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को कम करने में मदद करता है।
  7. संबंधों में सामंजस्य: चंद्र और राहु का संयोजन रिश्तों में गलतफहमी और संवाद की कमी पैदा कर सकता है। यह यंत्र व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक रिश्तों में सामंजस्य और समझ बढ़ाने में मदद करता है।
  8. दोषों का निवारण: यह यंत्र विशेष रूप से उन व्यक्तियों के लिए उपयुक्त है जिनके जन्म कुंडली में चंद्रमा या राहु की स्थिति से कोई दोष है, क्योंकि यह इन ग्रहों के नकारात्मक प्रभावों को कम करने और सकारात्मक जीवन परिणामों को सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करता है।

How To Worship Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra / (चंद्र-राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping Chandra (Moon) and performing remedies for Rahu Grahanyog (Rahu-Ketu conjunction) can be a powerful spiritual practice in Vedic astrology. The Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is used to alleviate the malefic effects of Rahu and bring balance, especially if there’s a conjunction of Rahu with the Moon (Chandra). The Yantra is believed to harness cosmic energy and create a favorable atmosphere to mitigate the negative impacts.

1. Prepare for the Ritual

  • Time: It is best to perform the worship during Chandra’s day (Monday) or during the Chandra Nakshatra (when the Moon is in its favorable position).
  • Place: Find a clean and quiet space to perform the ritual. Ideally, you should face the East or North direction while performing the puja.
  • Cleanse the space: Clean the area where you will worship and set up the necessary items.

2. Gather Necessary Items

  • Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra (a printed or inscribed yantra on paper or metal).
  • Moon-related items: White flowers, a white cloth, rice, sugar, and milk (to honor the Moon).
  • Incense and Ghee lamp: To purify the space.
  • A fresh coconut (optional, as an offering).
  • A bowl of water (for performing an offering or ‘abhishek’).
  • A brass or silver plate to place the yantra.

3. Setting the Yantra

  • Place the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra on a clean, sacred platform (e.g., an altar or wooden table).
  • Ensure that the Yantra is properly oriented, and ideally, it should be placed facing the worshiper.

4. Invocation and Chanting

  • Begin by cleaning yourself and sitting in a comfortable position.
  • Light incense and a lamp with ghee to purify the atmosphere.
  • Offer prayers to Lord Ganesha, seeking blessings for the successful completion of your ritual.
  • Chant the Moon Mantras: A powerful mantra to chant for Chandra is:
    • “ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः” (Om Som Somaya Namah)
    • This mantra can be repeated 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to honor the Moon.
  • Chant the Rahu Beej Mantra: You can also chant:
    • “ॐ राहवे नमः” (Om Rahave Namah) to pacify Rahu’s influence.

5. Offer the Puja Items

  • Place white flowers on the Yantra and around the altar.
  • Offer milk or water to the Yantra, which represents the nourishing power of the Moon.
  • Place a few grains of rice as a symbol of prosperity and balance in life.
  • If you have a fresh coconut, break it and offer the water or juice to the Moon as an offering.

6. Recite the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Stotra

  • There are specific stotras (hymns) to mitigate the effects of Rahu and Ketu. For Rahu, you can chant the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Stotra. A key verse might be:
    • “राहु ग्रह योगनिवारणं, चन्द्र ग्रह निवारणं।”
    • “Rahu Graha Yog Nivaranam, Chandra Graha Nivaranam.”
  • This should be recited with devotion, focusing on seeking Rahu’s pacification and balancing the Moon’s influence.

7. Meditation on the Yantra

  • Sit in a meditative posture and focus on the Yantra. Visualize its cosmic power and energy balancing your mind and emotions, relieving anxiety or any confusion caused by Rahu and Ketu.
  • Offer your prayers and seek the blessings of Chandra for mental peace and stability, as well as relief from Rahu’s malefic influence.

8. Conclude the Ritual

  • After the chanting and offerings, offer a final prayer thanking Chandra and Rahu for their positive influence and blessings.
  • Close the ritual by bowing down in gratitude to the Moon and Rahu, and request forgiveness for any mistakes or omissions during the ritual.
  • Afterward, you can keep the Yantra in a safe, clean place for continued spiritual protection and guidance.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra Golden Plated


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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
  • Yantras are premium quality and heavy guage.
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Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra 

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a powerful and sacred tool used in Vedic astrology and Hindu traditions to mitigate the malefic effects caused by the conjunction of Chandra (Moon) and Rahu (North Node of the Moon) in a person’s horoscope. The conjunction of these two celestial bodies can create a Grahan or Eclipse yoga, which is believed to cause various challenges and imbalances in life. This Yantra is designed to nullify such negative influences and restore peace, prosperity, and mental well-being.

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a powerful and auspicious tool used to address the negative effects of the combination of the Moon (Chandra) and Rahu in a person’s astrological chart. According to Vedic astrology, the placement of these two celestial bodies in specific positions can lead to an unfavorable Grahanyog, which may cause emotional instability, confusion, and mental distress in the life of an individual. This yantra is believed to help mitigate such adverse effects by harmonizing the energies associated with Chandra (the Moon) and Rahu (the shadow planet).

The Chandra-Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra typically consists of a geometric pattern inscribed on a metal plate, often made of copper or other auspicious materials. The yantra is designed with specific symbols, mantras, and sacred geometrical patterns that resonate with the cosmic forces of Chandra and Rahu. The yantra is meant to be worshipped with proper rituals and recitation of the associated mantras to remove the malefic influence of the Grahanyog, restoring balance and peace to the person’s mental and emotional state.

Benefits Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra 

The Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is a spiritual tool designed to neutralize the negative effects of the combination of the Moon (Chandra) and the shadow planet Rahu in astrology. The conjunction of these two planets can bring various challenges in an individual’s life, including emotional imbalances, confusion, mental stress, and obstacles in spiritual or material progress.

This yantra, which is a sacred geometric design, is believed to have various benefits related to the appeasement of the planetary energies and is used for remedies in Vedic astrology.

Mental Peace and Clarity: The combination of Chandra (Moon) and Rahu can lead to confusion, emotional instability, and mental restlessness. The yantra helps calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and bring mental clarity, enabling the individual to make better decisions.

  1. Balancing Emotions: Rahu and Chandra together can cause mood swings and emotional turbulence. The yantra is believed to stabilize emotions, promote emotional healing, and ensure a balanced mental state.
  2. Protection from Negative Influences: The yantra is said to protect the person from the malefic effects of Rahu and the Moon, including sudden, unexplained events, mental disturbance, and negative karmas associated with these planets.
  3. Improved Intuition and Spiritual Growth: The Moon governs intuition, and Rahu can amplify psychic abilities. However, this combination might lead to confusion in interpreting intuitive signals. The yantra helps enhance spiritual awareness and intuitive abilities, guiding the individual toward personal growth.
  4. Wealth and Success: As Rahu is associated with desires and material pursuits, and the Moon influences the mind and emotional connection to wealth, the yantra is thought to attract prosperity and success in business, career, and finances by harmonizing these energies.
  5. Physical and Health Benefits: The energy of the yantra is also believed to help mitigate health issues related to the lunar cycle and Rahu’s influence, including sleep disorders, digestive problems, and other health concerns linked to emotional stress.
  6. Harmonizing Relationships: Rahu and Chandra may cause misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationships. Using the yantra is thought to bring harmony and understanding in both personal and professional relationships.
  7. Remedy for Doshas: The yantra is especially recommended if there are any doshas (flaws) related to the position of the Moon or Rahu in the natal chart, as it is said to help reduce the negative impacts and encourage positive life outcomes. 

Benefits Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra In Hindi / (लाभ चंद्र – राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र हिंदी में)

चंद्र – राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र एक आध्यात्मिक यंत्र है, जिसे ज्योतिष शास्त्र में चंद्र (चंद्रमा) और राहु के संयोजन से उत्पन्न नकारात्मक प्रभावों को दूर करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। चंद्र और राहु का यह संयोजन जीवन में विभिन्न समस्याएँ ला सकता है, जैसे कि मानसिक अस्थिरता, भ्रम, तनाव, और आध्यात्मिक या भौतिक उन्नति में रुकावटें।

यह यंत्र एक पवित्र ज्यामितीय रूप है, जो ग्रहों की ऊर्जा को शांत करने और ज्योतिषीय उपचारों के रूप में इस्तेमाल होता है।

  1. मानसिक शांति और स्पष्टता: चंद्र और राहु का संयोजन भ्रम, मानसिक अशांति और अस्थिरता का कारण बन सकता है। यह यंत्र मानसिक शांति लाने, चिंता कम करने और मानसिक स्पष्टता प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति बेहतर निर्णय ले सकता है।
  2. भावनाओं का संतुलन: राहु और चंद्र के संयोजन से मूड स्विंग्स और भावनात्मक उथल-पुथल हो सकती है। यह यंत्र भावनाओं को संतुलित करता है, भावनात्मक उपचार में मदद करता है और मानसिक स्थिति को स्थिर बनाता है।
  3. नकारात्मक प्रभावों से सुरक्षा: यह यंत्र राहु और चंद्र के दुष्प्रभावों से व्यक्ति को सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है, जैसे कि अचानक घटनाएँ, मानसिक विकार, और इन ग्रहों से जुड़ी नकारात्मक कर्म।
  4. संवेदनशीलता और आध्यात्मिक विकास: चंद्रमा मानसिक संवेदनशीलता और सहजता को नियंत्रित करता है, जबकि राहु मानसिक शक्तियों को बढ़ा सकता है। हालांकि, इन दोनों के संयोजन से कई बार आंतरिक संकेतों को समझने में भ्रम हो सकता है। यह यंत्र आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता और सहज ज्ञान को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता है।
  5. धन और सफलता: राहु भौतिक इच्छाओं और चंद्रमा भावनाओं को प्रभावित करता है। यह यंत्र इन दोनों ग्रहों की ऊर्जा को सामंजस्यपूर्ण तरीके से कार्य करने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करता है, जिससे व्यवसाय, करियर और वित्त में समृद्धि और सफलता प्राप्त होती है।
  6. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: यह यंत्र चंद्रमा और राहु के प्रभावों से जुड़ी शारीरिक समस्याओं, जैसे नींद की समस्याएँ, पाचन संबंधी विकार, और मानसिक तनाव से उत्पन्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को कम करने में मदद करता है।
  7. संबंधों में सामंजस्य: चंद्र और राहु का संयोजन रिश्तों में गलतफहमी और संवाद की कमी पैदा कर सकता है। यह यंत्र व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक रिश्तों में सामंजस्य और समझ बढ़ाने में मदद करता है।
  8. दोषों का निवारण: यह यंत्र विशेष रूप से उन व्यक्तियों के लिए उपयुक्त है जिनके जन्म कुंडली में चंद्रमा या राहु की स्थिति से कोई दोष है, क्योंकि यह इन ग्रहों के नकारात्मक प्रभावों को कम करने और सकारात्मक जीवन परिणामों को सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करता है।

How To Worship Chandra – Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra / (चंद्र-राहु ग्रहणयोग निवारण यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping Chandra (Moon) and performing remedies for Rahu Grahanyog (Rahu-Ketu conjunction) can be a powerful spiritual practice in Vedic astrology. The Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra is used to alleviate the malefic effects of Rahu and bring balance, especially if there’s a conjunction of Rahu with the Moon (Chandra). The Yantra is believed to harness cosmic energy and create a favorable atmosphere to mitigate the negative impacts.

1. Prepare for the Ritual

  • Time: It is best to perform the worship during Chandra’s day (Monday) or during the Chandra Nakshatra (when the Moon is in its favorable position).
  • Place: Find a clean and quiet space to perform the ritual. Ideally, you should face the East or North direction while performing the puja.
  • Cleanse the space: Clean the area where you will worship and set up the necessary items.

2. Gather Necessary Items

  • Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra (a printed or inscribed yantra on paper or metal).
  • Moon-related items: White flowers, a white cloth, rice, sugar, and milk (to honor the Moon).
  • Incense and Ghee lamp: To purify the space.
  • A fresh coconut (optional, as an offering).
  • A bowl of water (for performing an offering or ‘abhishek’).
  • A brass or silver plate to place the yantra.

3. Setting the Yantra

  • Place the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Yantra on a clean, sacred platform (e.g., an altar or wooden table).
  • Ensure that the Yantra is properly oriented, and ideally, it should be placed facing the worshiper.

4. Invocation and Chanting

  • Begin by cleaning yourself and sitting in a comfortable position.
  • Light incense and a lamp with ghee to purify the atmosphere.
  • Offer prayers to Lord Ganesha, seeking blessings for the successful completion of your ritual.
  • Chant the Moon Mantras: A powerful mantra to chant for Chandra is:
    • “ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः” (Om Som Somaya Namah)
    • This mantra can be repeated 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to honor the Moon.
  • Chant the Rahu Beej Mantra: You can also chant:
    • “ॐ राहवे नमः” (Om Rahave Namah) to pacify Rahu’s influence.

5. Offer the Puja Items

  • Place white flowers on the Yantra and around the altar.
  • Offer milk or water to the Yantra, which represents the nourishing power of the Moon.
  • Place a few grains of rice as a symbol of prosperity and balance in life.
  • If you have a fresh coconut, break it and offer the water or juice to the Moon as an offering.

6. Recite the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Stotra

  • There are specific stotras (hymns) to mitigate the effects of Rahu and Ketu. For Rahu, you can chant the Rahu Grahanyog Nivaran Stotra. A key verse might be:
    • “राहु ग्रह योगनिवारणं, चन्द्र ग्रह निवारणं।”
    • “Rahu Graha Yog Nivaranam, Chandra Graha Nivaranam.”
  • This should be recited with devotion, focusing on seeking Rahu’s pacification and balancing the Moon’s influence.

7. Meditation on the Yantra

  • Sit in a meditative posture and focus on the Yantra. Visualize its cosmic power and energy balancing your mind and emotions, relieving anxiety or any confusion caused by Rahu and Ketu.
  • Offer your prayers and seek the blessings of Chandra for mental peace and stability, as well as relief from Rahu’s malefic influence.

8. Conclude the Ritual

  • After the chanting and offerings, offer a final prayer thanking Chandra and Rahu for their positive influence and blessings.
  • Close the ritual by bowing down in gratitude to the Moon and Rahu, and request forgiveness for any mistakes or omissions during the ritual.
  • Afterward, you can keep the Yantra in a safe, clean place for continued spiritual protection and guidance.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Sphatik Lingam With German Silver Base – 4.5 Inches – 496 Gram

Original price was: ₹11,000.Current price is: ₹6,100.

Sphatik Lingam With German Silver Base

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Green Jade Lingam With German Silver Base 4.25 Inches 506 Grams

Original price was: ₹7,100.Current price is: ₹5,500.

Green Jade Lingam With erman Silver Base

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Width – 5.25 Inches

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Red Jasper Lingam With German Silver Base 4.5 Inches 511 Grams

Original price was: ₹7,100.Current price is: ₹5,500.

Red Jasper Lingam With German Silver Base

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Green Jade Margatha Nandi 915 Gram

Original price was: ₹16,500.Current price is: ₹11,000.

  • Very Auspicious Margatha Nandi Made of Natural Green Jade Stone
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  • Dimensions
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  • Width – 4.75 inch
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Green Jade Lingam With Green Jade Base – 8 Inches 3927 Grams

Original price was: ₹58,900.Current price is: ₹47,200.

  • Excsluive Green Jade Lingam With Green Jade Base
  • Premium quality lingam with separate Green Jade base
  • Comes with Lab certificate
  • Blessed and energized

Lingam Dimensions

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  • Lingam Height – 5 Inches
  • Lingam Width – 2.25 Inches

Base Dimensions

  • Base Weight – 2907GMS
  • Base Height – 3 Inches
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Das maha Vidya Yantra Locket Copper

Original price was: ₹440.Current price is: ₹310.

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  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
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12 Mukhi Rudraksha With Silver Capping – (25.50 mm)

Original price was: ₹7,500.Current price is: ₹6,600.

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  • The Rudraksha will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
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