Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver
Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver / चाँदी में चंद्र यंत्र लॉकेट - 5 Grams
Original price was: RM113.Current price is: RM77.
19 in stock

Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver / चाँदी में चंद्र यंत्र लॉकेट – 5 Grams

Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver
  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams in Pure Silver.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.

Original price was: RM113.Current price is: RM77.

3 reviews

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19 in stock

Details For Pooja / Energization

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Testimonials at Rudrapuja
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Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver

Chandra Yantra locket in Silver, known as the visual tool for Lord Chandra(Moon), is the second in the Navagraha, the Nine Planets of Hindu astrology. He rules the zodiac sign Cancer, 4th spot in the natal chart—an incarnation of Goddess Parvati, the controlling deity of Chandra. Chandra navigates for two and a half days in every zodiac sign and 28 days to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

Portray as beautiful and youthful, with four hands holding Amrit Kalash, Lotus, Mace, and Abhaya Mudra, riding on his chariot in the sky every night, pulled by two antelope. He was born from the ocean during the Samudra Manthan and, known as Som, Rajanipati, Kshuparaka. He married to 27 daughters of Lord Daksha, as 27 Nakshatra.

Moon Yantra Locket  in Silver blesses relief from all sorrows and helps in improving mental and emotional power. He sits as an ornament, the head of Lord Shiva.

Praying Chandra on Mondays very effective way to get his blessing. Chant Chandra Ashtottara Shatanamavali covers of hundred names of Lord Chandra. It praises Chandra as the lord of the wise men and remover of all sins.

It also helps to remove the afflictions caused by ancestors. Chandra rules our mind with our thought processes, sensations, feeling. And governs our devotion towards everything and how we influence others, our feelings, and style. Also, He controls reproduction, birth, and productivity.

If Chandra is in a firm place in your natal chart, It means you will feel encouraging, caring, sensitive, and responsive characters along with being emotionally mature, mentally healthy, responsible, and being helpful to everyone.

Chandra Yantra locket in Silver is helping the Devotee overcome all the malefic, damaging effects because of the afflicted Lord Moon, Precisely made in pure silver according to Vedic instructions with the magical total of 18, including the details of his Adhidevta: Umadevi, Pratyadhidevta: Jasa, Color: White, Favorite Gem: White Pearl, Mantra Chant: 108 times of Japamala of 108 beads, Chant Mantra and Mool(Main Mantra) Given Below.

Chandra Yantra locket Benefits :

The Chandra Yantra locket is a powerful talisman associated with the moon, symbolizing emotional balance, intuition, and tranquility. Wearing this locket can help enhance one’s mental clarity, promoting a calm and peaceful mindset. It is believed to foster emotional stability, making it an excellent aid for those dealing with stress or anxiety. By aligning with lunar energies, the locket can help individuals navigate their emotions more effectively, promoting a sense of harmony in both personal and professional relationships.

The Chandra Yantra Pendant is said to enhance creativity and intuition. The moon is often linked to inspiration, and those who wear the locket may find themselves more attuned to their creative instincts. This can be particularly beneficial for artists, writers, or anyone looking to unlock new ideas and perspectives. Furthermore, the locket is thought to attract positive energies, enhancing overall well-being and fostering a sense of positivity and optimism in daily life.

Chandra Yantra locket Benefits In Hindi :

चंद्र यंत्र लocket के कई लाभ होते हैं, जो व्यक्ति की मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं। यहाँ कुछ प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. मानसिक शांति: चंद्र यंत्र मानसिक तनाव और चिंता को कम करने में मदद करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अधिक शांत और संतुलित महसूस करता है।
  2. भावनात्मक स्थिरता: यह लocket भावनात्मक स्थिरता को बढ़ाता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अपने रिश्तों में अधिक संतुलित रह सकता है।
  3. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: चंद्रमा का प्रभाव स्वास्थ्य पर भी सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है, खासकर महिलाओं के लिए।
  4. निर्णय लेने में सहायक: यह लocket निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को सुधारता है, जिससे व्यक्ति सही और उचित निर्णय ले पाता है।
  5. सकारात्मक ऊर्जा: चंद्र यंत्र सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अपने चारों ओर के वातावरण को और भी सुखद बना सकता है।
  6. ध्यान और एकाग्रता: यह ध्यान और एकाग्रता को बढ़ाने में सहायक होता है, जो अध्ययन और काम में सफलता में मदद करता है।
  7. शांति और संतोष: चंद्र यंत्र के उपयोग से व्यक्ति में आंतरिक शांति और संतोष की भावना उत्पन्न होती है।

Mantra of Chandra Yantra Locket in Silver 

  • II Om Aim Klim Somay Namah II
  • II Dadhishankham Tusharamam KshirnodarnavsambhavamI Namami Shashinam Somam ShambhoMurkuhbhushanam II

How to do Puja of Chandra Yantra Locket in Silver at home  

  • With a Purified perception after taking a bath with a Focused and Confident mind, start the Prayers.
  • Light Aroma Stick or Diya.
  • Place Locket Yantra alongside your Ishtdev or Lord Chandra.
  • Offer Fresh Fruit and Flower to the Yantra.
  • Sprinkle Water on yourself and Yantra.
  • Close Your eyes, Chant Mantra, at least 21 times and concentrate on Lord Chandradev or Isht Dev for blessings and ask Goddess to fulfill desires and wear it.
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm



Touching... the Religious way in your life

3 reviews for Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver / चाँदी में चंद्र यंत्र लॉकेट – 5 Grams

4.3 Rating
1-3 of 3 reviews
  1. Very nice , thanku

  2. Price should be much lower.

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Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver
3 reviews

Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver / चाँदी में चंद्र यंत्र लॉकेट – 5 Grams

Original price was: RM113.Current price is: RM77.

3 reviews

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19 in stock

Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams in Pure Silver.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver

Chandra Yantra locket in Silver, known as the visual tool for Lord Chandra(Moon), is the second in the Navagraha, the Nine Planets of Hindu astrology. He rules the zodiac sign Cancer, 4th spot in the natal chart—an incarnation of Goddess Parvati, the controlling deity of Chandra. Chandra navigates for two and a half days in every zodiac sign and 28 days to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

Portray as beautiful and youthful, with four hands holding Amrit Kalash, Lotus, Mace, and Abhaya Mudra, riding on his chariot in the sky every night, pulled by two antelope. He was born from the ocean during the Samudra Manthan and, known as Som, Rajanipati, Kshuparaka. He married to 27 daughters of Lord Daksha, as 27 Nakshatra.

Moon Yantra Locket  in Silver blesses relief from all sorrows and helps in improving mental and emotional power. He sits as an ornament, the head of Lord Shiva.

Praying Chandra on Mondays very effective way to get his blessing. Chant Chandra Ashtottara Shatanamavali covers of hundred names of Lord Chandra. It praises Chandra as the lord of the wise men and remover of all sins.

It also helps to remove the afflictions caused by ancestors. Chandra rules our mind with our thought processes, sensations, feeling. And governs our devotion towards everything and how we influence others, our feelings, and style. Also, He controls reproduction, birth, and productivity.

If Chandra is in a firm place in your natal chart, It means you will feel encouraging, caring, sensitive, and responsive characters along with being emotionally mature, mentally healthy, responsible, and being helpful to everyone.

Chandra Yantra locket in Silver is helping the Devotee overcome all the malefic, damaging effects because of the afflicted Lord Moon, Precisely made in pure silver according to Vedic instructions with the magical total of 18, including the details of his Adhidevta: Umadevi, Pratyadhidevta: Jasa, Color: White, Favorite Gem: White Pearl, Mantra Chant: 108 times of Japamala of 108 beads, Chant Mantra and Mool(Main Mantra) Given Below.

Chandra Yantra locket Benefits :

The Chandra Yantra locket is a powerful talisman associated with the moon, symbolizing emotional balance, intuition, and tranquility. Wearing this locket can help enhance one’s mental clarity, promoting a calm and peaceful mindset. It is believed to foster emotional stability, making it an excellent aid for those dealing with stress or anxiety. By aligning with lunar energies, the locket can help individuals navigate their emotions more effectively, promoting a sense of harmony in both personal and professional relationships.

The Chandra Yantra Pendant is said to enhance creativity and intuition. The moon is often linked to inspiration, and those who wear the locket may find themselves more attuned to their creative instincts. This can be particularly beneficial for artists, writers, or anyone looking to unlock new ideas and perspectives. Furthermore, the locket is thought to attract positive energies, enhancing overall well-being and fostering a sense of positivity and optimism in daily life.

Chandra Yantra locket Benefits In Hindi :

चंद्र यंत्र लocket के कई लाभ होते हैं, जो व्यक्ति की मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं। यहाँ कुछ प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. मानसिक शांति: चंद्र यंत्र मानसिक तनाव और चिंता को कम करने में मदद करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अधिक शांत और संतुलित महसूस करता है।
  2. भावनात्मक स्थिरता: यह लocket भावनात्मक स्थिरता को बढ़ाता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अपने रिश्तों में अधिक संतुलित रह सकता है।
  3. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: चंद्रमा का प्रभाव स्वास्थ्य पर भी सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है, खासकर महिलाओं के लिए।
  4. निर्णय लेने में सहायक: यह लocket निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को सुधारता है, जिससे व्यक्ति सही और उचित निर्णय ले पाता है।
  5. सकारात्मक ऊर्जा: चंद्र यंत्र सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार करता है, जिससे व्यक्ति अपने चारों ओर के वातावरण को और भी सुखद बना सकता है।
  6. ध्यान और एकाग्रता: यह ध्यान और एकाग्रता को बढ़ाने में सहायक होता है, जो अध्ययन और काम में सफलता में मदद करता है।
  7. शांति और संतोष: चंद्र यंत्र के उपयोग से व्यक्ति में आंतरिक शांति और संतोष की भावना उत्पन्न होती है।

Mantra of Chandra Yantra Locket in Silver 

  • II Om Aim Klim Somay Namah II
  • II Dadhishankham Tusharamam KshirnodarnavsambhavamI Namami Shashinam Somam ShambhoMurkuhbhushanam II

How to do Puja of Chandra Yantra Locket in Silver at home  

  • With a Purified perception after taking a bath with a Focused and Confident mind, start the Prayers.
  • Light Aroma Stick or Diya.
  • Place Locket Yantra alongside your Ishtdev or Lord Chandra.
  • Offer Fresh Fruit and Flower to the Yantra.
  • Sprinkle Water on yourself and Yantra.
  • Close Your eyes, Chant Mantra, at least 21 times and concentrate on Lord Chandradev or Isht Dev for blessings and ask Goddess to fulfill desires and wear it.
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm



Touching... the Religious way in your life

3 reviews for Chandra Yantra Locket In Silver / चाँदी में चंद्र यंत्र लॉकेट – 5 Grams

4.3 Rating
1-3 of 3 reviews
  1. Very nice , thanku

  2. Price should be much lower.

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