नवग्रह यंत्र लॉकेट तांबा / Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper
Original price was: ₹440.Current price is: ₹319.
8 in stock

नवग्रह यंत्र लॉकेट तांबा / Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams in Pure Copper.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.

Original price was: ₹440.Current price is: ₹319.

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Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

The Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper is a powerful talisman designed to harness the energies of the nine celestial bodies (Navgraha) in Vedic astrology. Each of these planets—Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu—represents specific aspects of life and influences our destiny. Wearing this locket is believed to promote balance and harmony, helping individuals overcome challenges posed by planetary positions.

Crafted from copper, The Locket not only adds a touch of elegance but also enhances the yantra’s effectiveness. Copper is known for its conductive properties, allowing it to absorb and transmit positive energy. The intricate design of the Navgraha Yantra etched onto the locket serves as a visual reminder of spiritual goals and protection from negative influences.

  • Navgraha Yantra Copper Locket combines all the nine planets of Hindu astrology.
  • It is divided into nine squares, each representing a planet. Navgraha Yantra removes all the malefic effects of Navgrah.
  • So, therefore, it useful to one who has malefic Planets more than 2 in their natal chart(Janamkundli).

Nine Planet Yantra in Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper :

Surya(Sun): the principal of the Navgraha. And the ruler of the zodiac sign, Leo. The Lord of Kritika, Uttaraphalguni, and Uttarashadha Nakshatras. He navigates each zodiac sign per month means 12 during the year. Rules over mouth, throat, and spleen in the human body.

He depicted with four hands a Lotus Flower, Conch, Sudarshan Chakra, and The Mace(Gada). He is always portrayed as riding on the chariot pulled by seven horses presenting the seven chakras in the subtle human body.

  • Mantra:II Om Hrim Suryay Namah II

Chandra(Moon): the second in the Navagraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Rules the zodiac sign Cancer. Chandra navigates for two and a half days in every zodiac sign and in 28 days to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

He portrayed as beautiful and youthful, with four hands holding Amrit Kalash, Lotus, Mace, and Abhaya Mudra and riding on his chariot in the sky every night, pulled by two antelope. He married 27 daughters of Lord Daksha, as 27 Nakshatra.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Klim Somay Namah II

Mangal(Mars): on the third position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of the Hindu astrology. Red in appearance and a red planet. Aries and Scorpio are his zodiac signs, rules the Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha Nakshatras.

Generally, he navigates one zodiac sign to the other in 45 days. But, sometimes, he stays stable in a zodiac sign for six months. The presiding God of Mars is Lord Murugan(Kartikeya). He is also known as Angaraka is to be the son of Earth, the Goddess Earth. Therefore, Mangal Yantra is used to remove the problem of Vastu Shastra.

  • Mantra:II Om Hum Shree Mangalay Namah II

Budh(Mercury): the fourth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Virgo and Gemini are his zodiac signs, rules the Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revathi Nakshatras. It navigates 12 zodiac signs to the other in 365 days.

Budha the God of intelligence, communication, fine arts, and humor. Planet Mercury governs the nervous system. Depicted with four hands, holding Sword, Mace, Abhaya Mudra, Varad Mudra, rides on a Chariot, is drawn by Lion with the trunk.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Budhay Namah II

Guru(Jupiter): the fifth in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Sagittarius and Pisces are his zodiac signs, rule the Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purvabhadra Nakshatras. Guru navigates for 1 Year in every zodiac sign and in 12 Years to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

Depicted with four hands, holding Sudarshan Chakra, Conch, Abhaya Mudra, Varad Mudra, rides on an Elephant. Guru governs the lower abdomen, audibility, blood circulation, hip, and liver in the human body. 

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Klim Brahspataye Namah II

Shukra(Venus): the sixth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Tauras and Libra are his zodiac signs, rules the Bharani, PurvaPhalguni, and Purva Shadha Nakshatras.

He navigates one zodiac sign to the other in 30 days. The presiding God of Venus is Goddess Lakshmi. Attributed to Venus are material enjoyment, commitment to family members, confidence, ornaments, leisure, comfort, and fine arts.

  • Mantra: II Om Hreem Shreem Shukray Namah II

Shani(Saturn): the seventh position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of the Hindu astrology. Capricon and Aquarries are his zodiac signs, rules the Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras.

He changes zodiac signs every 2.5 years, transits the zodiac every 30 years. The presiding God of Saturn is Lord Shiva. Attributed to Shani(Saturn) are the hardships of life, a strong sense of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline, austerity.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Hreem Shaneshcharay Namah II

Rahu(Dragon Head): the eighth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Rahu is located on the northern side as a lunar node of Planet Chandra(Moon). It has not any physical identity.

He incarnated as a shadow It is moving according to the movement of Chandra. According to Vedic tales in Shukla Paksha, when the Moon is visualizing day by day on a brighter side, the Rahu is Going Smaller. And when When the Moon is going on, a darker side in Krishna Paksha Rahu is getting more significant day by day.

  • Mantra: II Om Chhram Chhreem Chhrom Sam Rahave Namah II

Ketu(Dragon Tail): the ninth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Ketu is located on the southern side as a lunar node of Planet Chandra(Moon). It has not any physical identity.

He incarnated as a shadow It is moving according to the movement of Chandra. According to Vedic tales in Shukla Paksha, when Moon is visualizing day by day on a brighter side, the Ketu is Going Smaller. And when the Moon is going on, a darker side in Krishna Paksha Ketu is getting more significant day by day.

  • Mantra: II Om Hrim Ketave Namah II

 Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper Benefits :

The Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper is a powerful talisman designed to harness the energies of the nine celestial bodies (Navgrahas) in Vedic astrology. Each graha influences different aspects of life, and wearing this locket is believed to balance these energies, promoting overall well-being.

One of the primary benefits of the Navgraha Yantra is its ability to mitigate negative planetary influences. By wearing this locket, individuals may experience reduced obstacles in their personal and professional lives, fostering a smoother journey toward their goals.

Additionally, the locket is thought to enhance positive traits associated with the nine planets, such as confidence, wisdom, and prosperity. This can lead to improved relationships, better decision-making, and increased opportunities for success.

  • Navgraha yantra  Locket Copper is a great astronomical conveyor of energy, an aerial of Nature, a powerful medium for peace, victory, achievement.
  • The soul and mind focus at the center of the Yantra to reach more essential levels of divinity.
  • Navgraha Yantra  Locket Copper helps negate or nullify the harmful and malefic effects of Navgraha and bestows beneficial effects.
  • It consists of nine squares, each with a talisman representing one Navgrah. Nine planets influence humankind and their lives.
  • Yantra is made of pure Copper and consists of geometric patterns. It is precisely manufactured in a thick and pure copper sheet.
  • Magical numbers maths combination and chant mantra. It blesses the devotee with good health, focus. Japa of mantra and Yantra can lead to concentration and peace.

 Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper Benefits In Hindi :

नवग्रह यंत्र लocket, जो कि आमतौर पर तांबे से बना होता है, अनेक लाभ प्रदान कर सकता है। इसके कुछ प्रमुख लाभ निम्नलिखित हैं:

  1. ग्रहों का संतुलन: नवग्रह यंत्र सभी नौ ग्रहों (सूर्य, चंद्र, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, और केतु) के सकारात्मक प्रभाव को संतुलित करता है।
  2. धन की वृद्धि: यह यंत्र वित्तीय समृद्धि और आर्थिक समस्याओं को दूर करने में मदद कर सकता है।
  3. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: नवग्रह यंत्र स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को कम करने और समग्र स्वास्थ्य को सुधारने में सहायक होता है।
  4. मन की शांति: इसे पहनने से मानसिक शांति और तनाव कम करने में मदद मिल सकती है।
  5. भाग्य में सुधार: नवग्रह यंत्र भाग्य में सुधार लाने और जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन लाने में सहायक माना जाता है।
  6. समर्पण और ध्यान: इसे पहनने से व्यक्ति में समर्पण और ध्यान की भावना बढ़ती है, जो आध्यात्मिक विकास में मददगार होती है।
  7. कष्टों से मुक्ति: यह यंत्र विभिन्न प्रकार के कष्टों और संकटों से बचाने में मदद कर सकता है।

How to do Puja of Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper at home  

  • With a Purified perception after taking a bath with a Focused and Confident mind, start the Prayers.
  • Light Aroma Stick or Diya.
  • Place Navgraha Yantra Copper Locket alongside your Ishtdev or Lord Navgraha.
  • Offer Fresh Fruit and Flower to the Navgrah Yantra copper Locket.
  • Sprinkle Water on yourself and Yantra.
  • Close Your eyes, Chant Mantra, at least 21 times and concentrate on Lord Navgraha or Isht Dev for blessings and ask Goddess to fulfill desires and wear them.
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm



Touching... the Religious way in your life

7 reviews for नवग्रह यंत्र लॉकेट तांबा / Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

4.4 Rating
1-5 of 7 reviews
  1. It is good but the copper yantra has become blackish colour in 2 days use .However the numbers are visible and not rusted yet and good feeling.Hopeful for good result.Thanking you .

  2. amazing service again, thank you

  3. Good

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नवग्रह यंत्र लॉकेट तांबा / Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

Original price was: ₹440.Current price is: ₹319.

7 reviews

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8 in stock

Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams in Pure Copper.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

The Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper is a powerful talisman designed to harness the energies of the nine celestial bodies (Navgraha) in Vedic astrology. Each of these planets—Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu—represents specific aspects of life and influences our destiny. Wearing this locket is believed to promote balance and harmony, helping individuals overcome challenges posed by planetary positions.

Crafted from copper, The Locket not only adds a touch of elegance but also enhances the yantra’s effectiveness. Copper is known for its conductive properties, allowing it to absorb and transmit positive energy. The intricate design of the Navgraha Yantra etched onto the locket serves as a visual reminder of spiritual goals and protection from negative influences.

  • Navgraha Yantra Copper Locket combines all the nine planets of Hindu astrology.
  • It is divided into nine squares, each representing a planet. Navgraha Yantra removes all the malefic effects of Navgrah.
  • So, therefore, it useful to one who has malefic Planets more than 2 in their natal chart(Janamkundli).

Nine Planet Yantra in Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper :

Surya(Sun): the principal of the Navgraha. And the ruler of the zodiac sign, Leo. The Lord of Kritika, Uttaraphalguni, and Uttarashadha Nakshatras. He navigates each zodiac sign per month means 12 during the year. Rules over mouth, throat, and spleen in the human body.

He depicted with four hands a Lotus Flower, Conch, Sudarshan Chakra, and The Mace(Gada). He is always portrayed as riding on the chariot pulled by seven horses presenting the seven chakras in the subtle human body.

  • Mantra:II Om Hrim Suryay Namah II

Chandra(Moon): the second in the Navagraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Rules the zodiac sign Cancer. Chandra navigates for two and a half days in every zodiac sign and in 28 days to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

He portrayed as beautiful and youthful, with four hands holding Amrit Kalash, Lotus, Mace, and Abhaya Mudra and riding on his chariot in the sky every night, pulled by two antelope. He married 27 daughters of Lord Daksha, as 27 Nakshatra.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Klim Somay Namah II

Mangal(Mars): on the third position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of the Hindu astrology. Red in appearance and a red planet. Aries and Scorpio are his zodiac signs, rules the Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha Nakshatras.

Generally, he navigates one zodiac sign to the other in 45 days. But, sometimes, he stays stable in a zodiac sign for six months. The presiding God of Mars is Lord Murugan(Kartikeya). He is also known as Angaraka is to be the son of Earth, the Goddess Earth. Therefore, Mangal Yantra is used to remove the problem of Vastu Shastra.

  • Mantra:II Om Hum Shree Mangalay Namah II

Budh(Mercury): the fourth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Virgo and Gemini are his zodiac signs, rules the Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revathi Nakshatras. It navigates 12 zodiac signs to the other in 365 days.

Budha the God of intelligence, communication, fine arts, and humor. Planet Mercury governs the nervous system. Depicted with four hands, holding Sword, Mace, Abhaya Mudra, Varad Mudra, rides on a Chariot, is drawn by Lion with the trunk.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Budhay Namah II

Guru(Jupiter): the fifth in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Sagittarius and Pisces are his zodiac signs, rule the Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purvabhadra Nakshatras. Guru navigates for 1 Year in every zodiac sign and in 12 Years to turn around all twelve zodiac signs.

Depicted with four hands, holding Sudarshan Chakra, Conch, Abhaya Mudra, Varad Mudra, rides on an Elephant. Guru governs the lower abdomen, audibility, blood circulation, hip, and liver in the human body. 

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Klim Brahspataye Namah II

Shukra(Venus): the sixth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Tauras and Libra are his zodiac signs, rules the Bharani, PurvaPhalguni, and Purva Shadha Nakshatras.

He navigates one zodiac sign to the other in 30 days. The presiding God of Venus is Goddess Lakshmi. Attributed to Venus are material enjoyment, commitment to family members, confidence, ornaments, leisure, comfort, and fine arts.

  • Mantra: II Om Hreem Shreem Shukray Namah II

Shani(Saturn): the seventh position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of the Hindu astrology. Capricon and Aquarries are his zodiac signs, rules the Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras.

He changes zodiac signs every 2.5 years, transits the zodiac every 30 years. The presiding God of Saturn is Lord Shiva. Attributed to Shani(Saturn) are the hardships of life, a strong sense of responsibility, seriousness, self-discipline, austerity.

  • Mantra: II Om Aim Hreem Shaneshcharay Namah II

Rahu(Dragon Head): the eighth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Rahu is located on the northern side as a lunar node of Planet Chandra(Moon). It has not any physical identity.

He incarnated as a shadow It is moving according to the movement of Chandra. According to Vedic tales in Shukla Paksha, when the Moon is visualizing day by day on a brighter side, the Rahu is Going Smaller. And when When the Moon is going on, a darker side in Krishna Paksha Rahu is getting more significant day by day.

  • Mantra: II Om Chhram Chhreem Chhrom Sam Rahave Namah II

Ketu(Dragon Tail): the ninth position in the Navgraha, the nine planets of Hindu astrology. Ketu is located on the southern side as a lunar node of Planet Chandra(Moon). It has not any physical identity.

He incarnated as a shadow It is moving according to the movement of Chandra. According to Vedic tales in Shukla Paksha, when Moon is visualizing day by day on a brighter side, the Ketu is Going Smaller. And when the Moon is going on, a darker side in Krishna Paksha Ketu is getting more significant day by day.

  • Mantra: II Om Hrim Ketave Namah II

 Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper Benefits :

The Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper is a powerful talisman designed to harness the energies of the nine celestial bodies (Navgrahas) in Vedic astrology. Each graha influences different aspects of life, and wearing this locket is believed to balance these energies, promoting overall well-being.

One of the primary benefits of the Navgraha Yantra is its ability to mitigate negative planetary influences. By wearing this locket, individuals may experience reduced obstacles in their personal and professional lives, fostering a smoother journey toward their goals.

Additionally, the locket is thought to enhance positive traits associated with the nine planets, such as confidence, wisdom, and prosperity. This can lead to improved relationships, better decision-making, and increased opportunities for success.

  • Navgraha yantra  Locket Copper is a great astronomical conveyor of energy, an aerial of Nature, a powerful medium for peace, victory, achievement.
  • The soul and mind focus at the center of the Yantra to reach more essential levels of divinity.
  • Navgraha Yantra  Locket Copper helps negate or nullify the harmful and malefic effects of Navgraha and bestows beneficial effects.
  • It consists of nine squares, each with a talisman representing one Navgrah. Nine planets influence humankind and their lives.
  • Yantra is made of pure Copper and consists of geometric patterns. It is precisely manufactured in a thick and pure copper sheet.
  • Magical numbers maths combination and chant mantra. It blesses the devotee with good health, focus. Japa of mantra and Yantra can lead to concentration and peace.

 Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper Benefits In Hindi :

नवग्रह यंत्र लocket, जो कि आमतौर पर तांबे से बना होता है, अनेक लाभ प्रदान कर सकता है। इसके कुछ प्रमुख लाभ निम्नलिखित हैं:

  1. ग्रहों का संतुलन: नवग्रह यंत्र सभी नौ ग्रहों (सूर्य, चंद्र, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, और केतु) के सकारात्मक प्रभाव को संतुलित करता है।
  2. धन की वृद्धि: यह यंत्र वित्तीय समृद्धि और आर्थिक समस्याओं को दूर करने में मदद कर सकता है।
  3. स्वास्थ्य लाभ: नवग्रह यंत्र स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को कम करने और समग्र स्वास्थ्य को सुधारने में सहायक होता है।
  4. मन की शांति: इसे पहनने से मानसिक शांति और तनाव कम करने में मदद मिल सकती है।
  5. भाग्य में सुधार: नवग्रह यंत्र भाग्य में सुधार लाने और जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन लाने में सहायक माना जाता है।
  6. समर्पण और ध्यान: इसे पहनने से व्यक्ति में समर्पण और ध्यान की भावना बढ़ती है, जो आध्यात्मिक विकास में मददगार होती है।
  7. कष्टों से मुक्ति: यह यंत्र विभिन्न प्रकार के कष्टों और संकटों से बचाने में मदद कर सकता है।

How to do Puja of Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper at home  

  • With a Purified perception after taking a bath with a Focused and Confident mind, start the Prayers.
  • Light Aroma Stick or Diya.
  • Place Navgraha Yantra Copper Locket alongside your Ishtdev or Lord Navgraha.
  • Offer Fresh Fruit and Flower to the Navgrah Yantra copper Locket.
  • Sprinkle Water on yourself and Yantra.
  • Close Your eyes, Chant Mantra, at least 21 times and concentrate on Lord Navgraha or Isht Dev for blessings and ask Goddess to fulfill desires and wear them.
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm



Touching... the Religious way in your life

7 reviews for नवग्रह यंत्र लॉकेट तांबा / Navgraha Yantra Locket Copper

4.4 Rating
1-5 of 7 reviews
  1. It is good but the copper yantra has become blackish colour in 2 days use .However the numbers are visible and not rusted yet and good feeling.Hopeful for good result.Thanking you .

  2. amazing service again, thank you

  3. Good

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Shree Tripur Sundari (Shodshi) Pujan Pocket Yantra In Silver- 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: TSPPY"2" Category:
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Shree Bahuchar Maa Pujan Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: BMPY"2" Category:
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Shree Kali Pujan Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
SKU: KPPY"2" Category:
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Shree Mahan Siddhidayak Shree Saraswati Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
SKU: MSSSPY"2" Category:
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Shree Siddh Budhdev Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
SKU: SBPY"2" Category:
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Shree Kamakhya Devi Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
SKU: SKDPY"2" Category:
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Shree Vaibhav Mahalaxmi Pocket Yantra In Silver – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
SKU: VMPY"2" Category:
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Shree Hanumant Pujan Pocket Yantra – 2 Inches

Original price was: ₹3,300.Current price is: ₹2,503.

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams in Pure Silver.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
  • Weight – 12.5 to 13 gm
  • Size – 2 inch
SKU: HPPY"2" Category:
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