Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra
Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra ( संपूर्ण बगलामुखी यंत्र ) - ( 12 inch Gold Plated )
Original price was: £63.Current price is: £47.

Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra ( संपूर्ण बगलामुखी यंत्र ) – ( 12 inch Gold Plated )

Original price was: £63.Current price is: £47.

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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
  • Yantra is made of Pure Copper with gold plated

About Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is a sacred geometrical diagram associated with the goddess Baglamukhi. Baglamukhi is one of the ten forms of the divine mother in Hinduism, known as the Mahavidyas. She is considered to be a powerful deity who can help devotees overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and gain control over speech and expression.

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to be a representation of the cosmic energy of Goddess Baglamukhi. It is a complex yantra that consists of various geometric patterns, symbols, and mantras. The yantra is created following specific guidelines and rituals to invoke the energy of Baglamukhi.

Devotees of Baglamukhi often worship the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra for various purposes, including protection from enemies, victory in legal matters, gaining control over speech, and attaining success in life.


Benefits of Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Protection and Removal of Obstacles: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to provide protection against negative energies, evil forces, and enemies. It is said to create a shield of divine energy around the worshipper, helping to ward off any obstacles or harm that may come their way.
  2. Victory in Legal Matters: This yantra is often associated with success in legal battles and disputes. It is believed to influence the outcome of court cases, providing victory and justice to the worshipper.
  3. Speech and Communication: Baglamukhi is considered the goddess of speech and eloquence. Worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to enhance one’s communication skills, improve public speaking abilities, and grant the power of persuasive speech.
  4. Overcoming Opposition: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to help overcome opposition and defeat adversaries. It is said to empower the worshipper with the ability to gain an upper hand in conflicts, disputes, or competitive situations.
  5. Inner Strength and Self-Confidence: The yantra is associated with developing inner strength, self-confidence, and assertiveness. It is believed to help the worshipper overcome self-doubt, fear, and hesitation, empowering them to face challenges with courage and determination.
  6. Wisdom and Knowledge: Baglamukhi is often associated with wisdom and intellect. By meditating on or worshiping the yantra, one may gain clarity of thought, enhanced intellect, and a deeper understanding of complex matters.
  7. Spiritual Growth: The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is considered a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. It is believed to help the worshipper connect with the divine energy of Baglamukhi, leading to spiritual awakening, inner peace, and enlightenment.

How to Worship Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Cleansing: Begin by purifying yourself and your surroundings. Take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clean the area where you will be performing the worship.
  2. Yantra Placement: Find a clean and sacred space to place the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. It is usually made of metal or can be printed on a Bhojpatra (sacred paper). Place the Yantra on a clean cloth or wooden platform.
  3. Offerings: Gather the necessary items for the worship, including flowers, incense sticks, a lamp, camphor, fresh water, turmeric, kumkum (vermilion), sandalwood paste, fruits, sweets, and any other traditional offerings.
  4. Invocation: Begin by invoking the blessings of Lord Baglamukhi. You can chant the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other relevant mantras while meditating on the deity.
  5. Panchopachara Puja: Perform the Panchopachara Puja, which consists of five essential offerings:
  • Dhoop (Incense): Light the incense sticks and wave them in a circular motion in front of the Yantra.
  • Deep (Lamp): Light the lamp and offer it in front of the Yantra, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the presence of divine light.
  • Pushpa (Flowers): Offer fresh flowers to the Yantra while reciting prayers.
  • Gandha (Sandalwood paste): Apply sandalwood paste on the Yantra.
  • Naivedya (Food offering): Offer fruits, sweets, or any vegetarian food to the Yantra.
  1. Mantra Chanting: Recite the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other prescribed mantras dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi. You can chant these mantras a specific number of times, such as 108 or 1008, using a mala (prayer beads) for counting.
  2. Meditation and Prayer: After chanting the mantras, sit in front of the Yantra and meditate on the divine energy of Baglamukhi. Offer your sincere prayers, seeking her blessings, protection, and guidance in your life.
  3. Aarti: Conclude the worship by performing the Aarti, a ritual of waving the lamp in a circular motion in front of the Yantra. Sing or recite the Baglamukhi Aarti or any other devotional hymns.
  4. Prostration and Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Goddess Baglamukhi for her blessings. Bow down or prostrate before the Yantra as a sign of reverence and surrender.
  5. Regular Worship: Establish a regular practice of worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. You can perform the ritual daily or on specific days dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi, such as Tuesdays or during the Navaratri festival.
Weight 1 kg



Touching... the Religious way in your life

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Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja
  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
  • Yantra is made of Pure Copper with gold plated

Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra ( संपूर्ण बगलामुखी यंत्र ) – ( 12 inch Gold Plated )

Original price was: £63.Current price is: £47.

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Details For Pooja / Energization

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About Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is a sacred geometrical diagram associated with the goddess Baglamukhi. Baglamukhi is one of the ten forms of the divine mother in Hinduism, known as the Mahavidyas. She is considered to be a powerful deity who can help devotees overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and gain control over speech and expression.

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to be a representation of the cosmic energy of Goddess Baglamukhi. It is a complex yantra that consists of various geometric patterns, symbols, and mantras. The yantra is created following specific guidelines and rituals to invoke the energy of Baglamukhi.

Devotees of Baglamukhi often worship the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra for various purposes, including protection from enemies, victory in legal matters, gaining control over speech, and attaining success in life.


Benefits of Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Protection and Removal of Obstacles: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to provide protection against negative energies, evil forces, and enemies. It is said to create a shield of divine energy around the worshipper, helping to ward off any obstacles or harm that may come their way.
  2. Victory in Legal Matters: This yantra is often associated with success in legal battles and disputes. It is believed to influence the outcome of court cases, providing victory and justice to the worshipper.
  3. Speech and Communication: Baglamukhi is considered the goddess of speech and eloquence. Worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to enhance one’s communication skills, improve public speaking abilities, and grant the power of persuasive speech.
  4. Overcoming Opposition: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to help overcome opposition and defeat adversaries. It is said to empower the worshipper with the ability to gain an upper hand in conflicts, disputes, or competitive situations.
  5. Inner Strength and Self-Confidence: The yantra is associated with developing inner strength, self-confidence, and assertiveness. It is believed to help the worshipper overcome self-doubt, fear, and hesitation, empowering them to face challenges with courage and determination.
  6. Wisdom and Knowledge: Baglamukhi is often associated with wisdom and intellect. By meditating on or worshiping the yantra, one may gain clarity of thought, enhanced intellect, and a deeper understanding of complex matters.
  7. Spiritual Growth: The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is considered a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. It is believed to help the worshipper connect with the divine energy of Baglamukhi, leading to spiritual awakening, inner peace, and enlightenment.

How to Worship Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Cleansing: Begin by purifying yourself and your surroundings. Take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clean the area where you will be performing the worship.
  2. Yantra Placement: Find a clean and sacred space to place the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. It is usually made of metal or can be printed on a Bhojpatra (sacred paper). Place the Yantra on a clean cloth or wooden platform.
  3. Offerings: Gather the necessary items for the worship, including flowers, incense sticks, a lamp, camphor, fresh water, turmeric, kumkum (vermilion), sandalwood paste, fruits, sweets, and any other traditional offerings.
  4. Invocation: Begin by invoking the blessings of Lord Baglamukhi. You can chant the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other relevant mantras while meditating on the deity.
  5. Panchopachara Puja: Perform the Panchopachara Puja, which consists of five essential offerings:
  • Dhoop (Incense): Light the incense sticks and wave them in a circular motion in front of the Yantra.
  • Deep (Lamp): Light the lamp and offer it in front of the Yantra, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the presence of divine light.
  • Pushpa (Flowers): Offer fresh flowers to the Yantra while reciting prayers.
  • Gandha (Sandalwood paste): Apply sandalwood paste on the Yantra.
  • Naivedya (Food offering): Offer fruits, sweets, or any vegetarian food to the Yantra.
  1. Mantra Chanting: Recite the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other prescribed mantras dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi. You can chant these mantras a specific number of times, such as 108 or 1008, using a mala (prayer beads) for counting.
  2. Meditation and Prayer: After chanting the mantras, sit in front of the Yantra and meditate on the divine energy of Baglamukhi. Offer your sincere prayers, seeking her blessings, protection, and guidance in your life.
  3. Aarti: Conclude the worship by performing the Aarti, a ritual of waving the lamp in a circular motion in front of the Yantra. Sing or recite the Baglamukhi Aarti or any other devotional hymns.
  4. Prostration and Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Goddess Baglamukhi for her blessings. Bow down or prostrate before the Yantra as a sign of reverence and surrender.
  5. Regular Worship: Establish a regular practice of worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. You can perform the ritual daily or on specific days dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi, such as Tuesdays or during the Navaratri festival.
Weight 1 kg



Touching... the Religious way in your life

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Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra ( संपूर्ण बगलामुखी यंत्र ) – ( 12 inch Gold Plated )

Original price was: £63.Current price is: £47.

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  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
  • Yantra is made of Pure Copper with gold plated
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Details For Pooja / Energization

Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

About Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is a sacred geometrical diagram associated with the goddess Baglamukhi. Baglamukhi is one of the ten forms of the divine mother in Hinduism, known as the Mahavidyas. She is considered to be a powerful deity who can help devotees overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and gain control over speech and expression.

The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to be a representation of the cosmic energy of Goddess Baglamukhi. It is a complex yantra that consists of various geometric patterns, symbols, and mantras. The yantra is created following specific guidelines and rituals to invoke the energy of Baglamukhi.

Devotees of Baglamukhi often worship the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra for various purposes, including protection from enemies, victory in legal matters, gaining control over speech, and attaining success in life.


Benefits of Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Protection and Removal of Obstacles: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to provide protection against negative energies, evil forces, and enemies. It is said to create a shield of divine energy around the worshipper, helping to ward off any obstacles or harm that may come their way.
  2. Victory in Legal Matters: This yantra is often associated with success in legal battles and disputes. It is believed to influence the outcome of court cases, providing victory and justice to the worshipper.
  3. Speech and Communication: Baglamukhi is considered the goddess of speech and eloquence. Worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to enhance one’s communication skills, improve public speaking abilities, and grant the power of persuasive speech.
  4. Overcoming Opposition: The Baglamukhi Yantra is believed to help overcome opposition and defeat adversaries. It is said to empower the worshipper with the ability to gain an upper hand in conflicts, disputes, or competitive situations.
  5. Inner Strength and Self-Confidence: The yantra is associated with developing inner strength, self-confidence, and assertiveness. It is believed to help the worshipper overcome self-doubt, fear, and hesitation, empowering them to face challenges with courage and determination.
  6. Wisdom and Knowledge: Baglamukhi is often associated with wisdom and intellect. By meditating on or worshiping the yantra, one may gain clarity of thought, enhanced intellect, and a deeper understanding of complex matters.
  7. Spiritual Growth: The Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra is considered a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. It is believed to help the worshipper connect with the divine energy of Baglamukhi, leading to spiritual awakening, inner peace, and enlightenment.

How to Worship Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra

  1. Cleansing: Begin by purifying yourself and your surroundings. Take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clean the area where you will be performing the worship.
  2. Yantra Placement: Find a clean and sacred space to place the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. It is usually made of metal or can be printed on a Bhojpatra (sacred paper). Place the Yantra on a clean cloth or wooden platform.
  3. Offerings: Gather the necessary items for the worship, including flowers, incense sticks, a lamp, camphor, fresh water, turmeric, kumkum (vermilion), sandalwood paste, fruits, sweets, and any other traditional offerings.
  4. Invocation: Begin by invoking the blessings of Lord Baglamukhi. You can chant the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other relevant mantras while meditating on the deity.
  5. Panchopachara Puja: Perform the Panchopachara Puja, which consists of five essential offerings:
  • Dhoop (Incense): Light the incense sticks and wave them in a circular motion in front of the Yantra.
  • Deep (Lamp): Light the lamp and offer it in front of the Yantra, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the presence of divine light.
  • Pushpa (Flowers): Offer fresh flowers to the Yantra while reciting prayers.
  • Gandha (Sandalwood paste): Apply sandalwood paste on the Yantra.
  • Naivedya (Food offering): Offer fruits, sweets, or any vegetarian food to the Yantra.
  1. Mantra Chanting: Recite the Baglamukhi Mantra or any other prescribed mantras dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi. You can chant these mantras a specific number of times, such as 108 or 1008, using a mala (prayer beads) for counting.
  2. Meditation and Prayer: After chanting the mantras, sit in front of the Yantra and meditate on the divine energy of Baglamukhi. Offer your sincere prayers, seeking her blessings, protection, and guidance in your life.
  3. Aarti: Conclude the worship by performing the Aarti, a ritual of waving the lamp in a circular motion in front of the Yantra. Sing or recite the Baglamukhi Aarti or any other devotional hymns.
  4. Prostration and Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Goddess Baglamukhi for her blessings. Bow down or prostrate before the Yantra as a sign of reverence and surrender.
  5. Regular Worship: Establish a regular practice of worshiping the Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra. You can perform the ritual daily or on specific days dedicated to Goddess Baglamukhi, such as Tuesdays or during the Navaratri festival.
Weight 1 kg



Touching... the Religious way in your life

1 review for Sampoorna Baglamukhi Yantra ( संपूर्ण बगलामुखी यंत्र ) – ( 12 inch Gold Plated )

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