Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra Gold Plated - 3 inches
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Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra Gold Plated – 3 inches

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
  • Yantras are premium quality and heavy guage.


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Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra

The Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful yantra (a geometrical design or diagram used in Hindu spiritual practices) associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the deity of health, medicine, and healing. Lord Dhanvantri is believed to be the divine physician and the originator of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine.

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful tool used in Hindu tradition, particularly for promoting health, well-being, and healing. It is associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the deity revered as the divine physician in Hindu mythology, and is believed to possess potent healing energies that help in curing diseases, maintaining physical health, and bringing relief from various ailments.

Lord Dhanvantri is regarded as the god of medicine, healing, and surgery, and is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to mythological stories, he emerged from the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) with a pot of nectar (amrit), which could bestow immortality and cure all diseases. He is often depicted holding this pot along with other medicinal herbs, symbolizing the divine nature of healing and wellness. As a result, invoking Lord Dhanvantri through his yantra is believed to provide protection from illnesses, support the healing process, and ensure long-lasting health.

Benefits Of Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra :

The Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful instrument associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the Hindu God of medicine and healing. Lord Dhanvantri is often depicted as a deity who brings health and well-being and is worshipped to remove ailments, promote physical and mental wellness, and attain longevity. The Dhanvantri Yantra is used for invoking his blessings for overall health and healing. Here are the key benefits of using the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra:

1. Promotes Health and Healing

  • The Dhanvantri Yantra is primarily used to invoke the divine energies of Lord Dhanvantri, who is considered the embodiment of health and wellness. Regular worship of the Yantra is believed to promote physical health, cure diseases, and prevent illness.

2. Provides Relief from Chronic Illnesses

  • Worshipping the Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those suffering from chronic illnesses, long-term diseases, or ailments that conventional medical treatments have not resolved. It is believed to bring divine healing energies that work on both physical and spiritual levels.

3. Restores Balance and Vitality

  • The Yantra can help restore the body’s natural balance, energy flow, and vitality. By harmonizing the energies within the body, it helps boost the immune system and promotes overall well-being.

4. Protection Against Negative Energies

  • The Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is said to have protective qualities. It helps in warding off negative energies, evil forces, and obstacles that may be affecting one’s health and personal life. It creates a positive aura around the worshipper.

5. Enhances Mental Clarity and Peace

  • In addition to physical health, the Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is believed to have a calming effect on the mind. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and mental agitation, bringing clarity and peace of mind.

6. Aids in Recovery and Speedy Healing

  • Those recovering from surgery, accidents, or serious health conditions may find relief through the Dhanvantri Yantra. It is said to hasten the recovery process and help in the healing of wounds and injuries.

7. Promotes Longevity

  • By invoking the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri, devotees believe they can attain longevity and lead a healthy, prosperous life. The Yantra is said to help slow down the aging process and ensure a longer, more active life.

8. Improves Spiritual Health

Besides physical health, the Yantra is also said to purify the soul and elevate one’s spiritual well-being. It assists in fostering a sense of spiritual growth, peace, and contentment.

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र एक पवित्र और शक्तिशाली यंत्र है, जो भगवान धन्वंतरि से जुड़ा हुआ है। भगवान धन्वंतरि आयुर्वेद, चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य के देवता माने जाते हैं। वे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार लाने, रोगों को दूर करने और दीर्घायु प्राप्त करने के लिए पूजा जाते हैं। धन्वंतरि यंत्र का उपयोग भगवान धन्वंतरि की आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जाता है, ताकि समग्र स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा में लाभ हो सके। यहाँ श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र के प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा को बढ़ावा देता है
    धन्वंतरि यंत्र का मुख्य उद्देश्य भगवान धन्वंतरि की दिव्य ऊर्जा को आह्वान करना है, जो स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के प्रतीक माने जाते हैं। नियमित रूप से यंत्र की पूजा करने से शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार, रोगों का उपचार और बीमारियों से बचाव होता है।
  2. दीर्घकालिक बीमारियों से राहत प्रदान करता है
    श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए प्रभावी माना जाता है जो दीर्घकालिक बीमारियों या ऐसी स्थितियों से पीड़ित हैं, जिन्हें पारंपरिक चिकित्सा उपचार से राहत नहीं मिली है। यह दिव्य उपचार ऊर्जा को शारीरिक और मानसिक स्तर पर कार्य करने के लिए कहा जाता है।
  3. शरीर की संतुलन और ऊर्जा को पुनर्स्थापित करता है
    यंत्र शरीर की प्राकृतिक ऊर्जा और संतुलन को फिर से स्थापित करने में मदद करता है। यह शरीर के अंदर की ऊर्जा धारा को संतुलित कर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को सुदृढ़ करता है और समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है।
  4. नकारात्मक ऊर्जा से सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है
    श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र में नकारात्मक ऊर्जा, दुष्ट शक्तियों और बाधाओं से सुरक्षा देने की क्षमता मानी जाती है। यह यंत्र पूजा करने वाले के आस-पास सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का निर्माण करता है, जो उनकी स्वास्थ्य और जीवन को सुरक्षित रखता है।
  5. मानसिक स्पष्टता और शांति बढ़ाता है
    शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के अलावा, श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र मानसिक शांति और स्पष्टता प्रदान करने में भी मदद करता है। यह मानसिक तनाव, चिंता और मानसिक अशांति को कम करने में सहायक होता है, जिससे मानसिक शांति और संतुलन प्राप्त होता है।
  6. साथ ही शीघ्र ठीक होने में मदद करता है
    जो लोग सर्जरी, दुर्घटनाओं या गंभीर बीमारियों से उबर रहे हैं, उन्हें धन्वंतरि यंत्र से राहत मिल सकती है। यह ठीक होने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करता है और घावों और चोटों के उपचार में मदद करता है।
  7. दीर्घायु प्राप्ति में मदद करता है
    भगवान धन्वंतरि के आशीर्वाद से, भक्तों को दीर्घायु और एक स्वस्थ, समृद्ध जीवन की प्राप्ति होती है। यह यंत्र उम्र बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया को धीमा करने में मदद करता है और लंबी, सक्रिय जीवन की दिशा में सहायक होता है।
  8. आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करता है
    शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के अलावा, यह यंत्र आत्मा को शुद्ध करता है और आध्यात्मिक कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है। यह आध्यात्मिक उन्नति, शांति और संतोष की भावना को बढ़ाता है।

How To Worship Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra / ( श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a powerful spiritual tool used for invoking the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri, the deity of health, healing, and well-being. Lord Dhanvantri is believed to be the divine physician and the source of Ayurveda. Worshiping this yantra is believed to bring good health, cure ailments, and protect from diseases. Here’s a guide on how to properly worship and use the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra:

1. Preparation and Setup

  • Clean the Space: Before beginning the worship, clean the place where you will perform the puja. Ensure that the area is calm, quiet, and free from distractions.
  • Material Requirements:
    • Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra
    • A clean cloth (preferably white or yellow, as these colors are auspicious)
    • A diya (lamp) with ghee or oil
    • Incense sticks (preferably sandalwood)
    • Flowers (fresh and preferably yellow or white)
    • Water and Milk (for Abhisheka or purification)
    • Fruits (especially those that are healthy like bananas or apples)
    • Raw Turmeric or Haldi (optional)
    • Red or yellow thread for tying around the yantra (optional)

2. Purification of the Yantra

  • Bathing the Yantra: If you have a physical yantra, you can perform a purification ritual by sprinkling water or milk over the yantra to purify it before worshiping. You can chant mantras during this process for added effect.
  • Sankalp: Take a vow (Sankalp) in your mind, promising that you are about to worship with sincerity and devotion. Focus your mind on the divine powers of Lord Dhanvantri.

3. Invocation of Lord Dhanvantri

  • Place the Yantra: Place the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra on a clean altar or surface, preferably facing east or north, as these directions are considered auspicious for health-related deities.
  • Offer Flowers: Place fresh flowers around the yantra or offer them onto it while reciting the following mantra:“Om Shreem Dhanvantraye Namah”

    This is the primary mantra for invoking Lord Dhanvantri, the divine healer.

4. Lighting the Diya and Incense

  • Light a diya (lamp) with ghee or oil and place it in front of the yantra. The light represents the divine energy of Lord Dhanvantri.
  • Light incense sticks and place them near the yantra to purify the space and to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

5. Reciting Mantras

  • Primary Mantra: The main mantra to chant during the worship is:“Om Shreem Dhanvantraye Namah”

    Chant this mantra 108 times using a mala (prayer beads). You can also recite this mantra continuously while meditating on the yantra.

  • Additional Healing Mantras: If you are seeking relief from a specific health issue, you can add these healing mantras:“Om Arogya Dhanvantraye Namah”

    “Om Dhanvantri Vidhmahe, Amritamaya Dheemahi, Tanno Dhanvantri Prachodayat”

    These mantras invoke the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri for healing and protection from diseases.

6. Offering Prayers

  • Prayers for Health: After chanting the mantras, you can pray for the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. Specifically ask for protection from ailments, improvement in health, and overall well-being.
  • Prayers for Protection: Ask Lord Dhanvantri for protection against all forms of negative energy, harmful influences, and diseases.
  • Visualization: While chanting, visualize Lord Dhanvantri, holding the vessel of nectar (amrit), surrounded by a divine light that spreads healing energy.

7. Closing the Worship

  • After chanting and offering prayers, you can perform an aarti or prayer song to Lord Dhanvantri, if you are comfortable with it.
  • Conclude the Worship: After completing the prayers, offer the fruits, and if you wish, tie a yellow or red thread around the yantra or wear it as a protective charm.
  • Offer Gratitude: Thank Lord Dhanvantri for his blessings and guidance. You can express gratitude for the healing and protection received.
  • Distribute Prasadam: If you have offered fruits or sweets during the worship, you can distribute it among family members as a blessed offering (prasadam).

8. Regular Worship

To maintain the connection with Lord Dhanvantri and continue receiving his blessings, you can make this worship a regular practice. Many devotees worship the yantra daily or weekly, especially on Thursday (which is associated with health and healing) or on auspicious days like Dhanteras (a festival dedicated to Lord Dhanvantri) for special blessings.


Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra Gold Plated – 3 inches


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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch
  • Yantras are premium quality and heavy guage.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra

The Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful yantra (a geometrical design or diagram used in Hindu spiritual practices) associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the deity of health, medicine, and healing. Lord Dhanvantri is believed to be the divine physician and the originator of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine.

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful tool used in Hindu tradition, particularly for promoting health, well-being, and healing. It is associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the deity revered as the divine physician in Hindu mythology, and is believed to possess potent healing energies that help in curing diseases, maintaining physical health, and bringing relief from various ailments.

Lord Dhanvantri is regarded as the god of medicine, healing, and surgery, and is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to mythological stories, he emerged from the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) with a pot of nectar (amrit), which could bestow immortality and cure all diseases. He is often depicted holding this pot along with other medicinal herbs, symbolizing the divine nature of healing and wellness. As a result, invoking Lord Dhanvantri through his yantra is believed to provide protection from illnesses, support the healing process, and ensure long-lasting health.

Benefits Of Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra :

The Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a sacred and powerful instrument associated with Lord Dhanvantri, the Hindu God of medicine and healing. Lord Dhanvantri is often depicted as a deity who brings health and well-being and is worshipped to remove ailments, promote physical and mental wellness, and attain longevity. The Dhanvantri Yantra is used for invoking his blessings for overall health and healing. Here are the key benefits of using the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra:

1. Promotes Health and Healing

  • The Dhanvantri Yantra is primarily used to invoke the divine energies of Lord Dhanvantri, who is considered the embodiment of health and wellness. Regular worship of the Yantra is believed to promote physical health, cure diseases, and prevent illness.

2. Provides Relief from Chronic Illnesses

  • Worshipping the Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those suffering from chronic illnesses, long-term diseases, or ailments that conventional medical treatments have not resolved. It is believed to bring divine healing energies that work on both physical and spiritual levels.

3. Restores Balance and Vitality

  • The Yantra can help restore the body’s natural balance, energy flow, and vitality. By harmonizing the energies within the body, it helps boost the immune system and promotes overall well-being.

4. Protection Against Negative Energies

  • The Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is said to have protective qualities. It helps in warding off negative energies, evil forces, and obstacles that may be affecting one’s health and personal life. It creates a positive aura around the worshipper.

5. Enhances Mental Clarity and Peace

  • In addition to physical health, the Shri Dhanvantri Yantra is believed to have a calming effect on the mind. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and mental agitation, bringing clarity and peace of mind.

6. Aids in Recovery and Speedy Healing

  • Those recovering from surgery, accidents, or serious health conditions may find relief through the Dhanvantri Yantra. It is said to hasten the recovery process and help in the healing of wounds and injuries.

7. Promotes Longevity

  • By invoking the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri, devotees believe they can attain longevity and lead a healthy, prosperous life. The Yantra is said to help slow down the aging process and ensure a longer, more active life.

8. Improves Spiritual Health

Besides physical health, the Yantra is also said to purify the soul and elevate one’s spiritual well-being. It assists in fostering a sense of spiritual growth, peace, and contentment.

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र एक पवित्र और शक्तिशाली यंत्र है, जो भगवान धन्वंतरि से जुड़ा हुआ है। भगवान धन्वंतरि आयुर्वेद, चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य के देवता माने जाते हैं। वे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार लाने, रोगों को दूर करने और दीर्घायु प्राप्त करने के लिए पूजा जाते हैं। धन्वंतरि यंत्र का उपयोग भगवान धन्वंतरि की आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जाता है, ताकि समग्र स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा में लाभ हो सके। यहाँ श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र के प्रमुख लाभ दिए गए हैं:

  1. स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा को बढ़ावा देता है
    धन्वंतरि यंत्र का मुख्य उद्देश्य भगवान धन्वंतरि की दिव्य ऊर्जा को आह्वान करना है, जो स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के प्रतीक माने जाते हैं। नियमित रूप से यंत्र की पूजा करने से शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार, रोगों का उपचार और बीमारियों से बचाव होता है।
  2. दीर्घकालिक बीमारियों से राहत प्रदान करता है
    श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए प्रभावी माना जाता है जो दीर्घकालिक बीमारियों या ऐसी स्थितियों से पीड़ित हैं, जिन्हें पारंपरिक चिकित्सा उपचार से राहत नहीं मिली है। यह दिव्य उपचार ऊर्जा को शारीरिक और मानसिक स्तर पर कार्य करने के लिए कहा जाता है।
  3. शरीर की संतुलन और ऊर्जा को पुनर्स्थापित करता है
    यंत्र शरीर की प्राकृतिक ऊर्जा और संतुलन को फिर से स्थापित करने में मदद करता है। यह शरीर के अंदर की ऊर्जा धारा को संतुलित कर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को सुदृढ़ करता है और समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है।
  4. नकारात्मक ऊर्जा से सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है
    श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र में नकारात्मक ऊर्जा, दुष्ट शक्तियों और बाधाओं से सुरक्षा देने की क्षमता मानी जाती है। यह यंत्र पूजा करने वाले के आस-पास सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का निर्माण करता है, जो उनकी स्वास्थ्य और जीवन को सुरक्षित रखता है।
  5. मानसिक स्पष्टता और शांति बढ़ाता है
    शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के अलावा, श्री धन्वंतरि यंत्र मानसिक शांति और स्पष्टता प्रदान करने में भी मदद करता है। यह मानसिक तनाव, चिंता और मानसिक अशांति को कम करने में सहायक होता है, जिससे मानसिक शांति और संतुलन प्राप्त होता है।
  6. साथ ही शीघ्र ठीक होने में मदद करता है
    जो लोग सर्जरी, दुर्घटनाओं या गंभीर बीमारियों से उबर रहे हैं, उन्हें धन्वंतरि यंत्र से राहत मिल सकती है। यह ठीक होने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करता है और घावों और चोटों के उपचार में मदद करता है।
  7. दीर्घायु प्राप्ति में मदद करता है
    भगवान धन्वंतरि के आशीर्वाद से, भक्तों को दीर्घायु और एक स्वस्थ, समृद्ध जीवन की प्राप्ति होती है। यह यंत्र उम्र बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया को धीमा करने में मदद करता है और लंबी, सक्रिय जीवन की दिशा में सहायक होता है।
  8. आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करता है
    शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के अलावा, यह यंत्र आत्मा को शुद्ध करता है और आध्यात्मिक कल्याण को बढ़ावा देता है। यह आध्यात्मिक उन्नति, शांति और संतोष की भावना को बढ़ाता है।

How To Worship Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra / ( श्री धन्वंतरि उपासना यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra is a powerful spiritual tool used for invoking the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri, the deity of health, healing, and well-being. Lord Dhanvantri is believed to be the divine physician and the source of Ayurveda. Worshiping this yantra is believed to bring good health, cure ailments, and protect from diseases. Here’s a guide on how to properly worship and use the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra:

1. Preparation and Setup

  • Clean the Space: Before beginning the worship, clean the place where you will perform the puja. Ensure that the area is calm, quiet, and free from distractions.
  • Material Requirements:
    • Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra
    • A clean cloth (preferably white or yellow, as these colors are auspicious)
    • A diya (lamp) with ghee or oil
    • Incense sticks (preferably sandalwood)
    • Flowers (fresh and preferably yellow or white)
    • Water and Milk (for Abhisheka or purification)
    • Fruits (especially those that are healthy like bananas or apples)
    • Raw Turmeric or Haldi (optional)
    • Red or yellow thread for tying around the yantra (optional)

2. Purification of the Yantra

  • Bathing the Yantra: If you have a physical yantra, you can perform a purification ritual by sprinkling water or milk over the yantra to purify it before worshiping. You can chant mantras during this process for added effect.
  • Sankalp: Take a vow (Sankalp) in your mind, promising that you are about to worship with sincerity and devotion. Focus your mind on the divine powers of Lord Dhanvantri.

3. Invocation of Lord Dhanvantri

  • Place the Yantra: Place the Shri Dhanvantri Upasna Yantra on a clean altar or surface, preferably facing east or north, as these directions are considered auspicious for health-related deities.
  • Offer Flowers: Place fresh flowers around the yantra or offer them onto it while reciting the following mantra:“Om Shreem Dhanvantraye Namah”

    This is the primary mantra for invoking Lord Dhanvantri, the divine healer.

4. Lighting the Diya and Incense

  • Light a diya (lamp) with ghee or oil and place it in front of the yantra. The light represents the divine energy of Lord Dhanvantri.
  • Light incense sticks and place them near the yantra to purify the space and to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

5. Reciting Mantras

  • Primary Mantra: The main mantra to chant during the worship is:“Om Shreem Dhanvantraye Namah”

    Chant this mantra 108 times using a mala (prayer beads). You can also recite this mantra continuously while meditating on the yantra.

  • Additional Healing Mantras: If you are seeking relief from a specific health issue, you can add these healing mantras:“Om Arogya Dhanvantraye Namah”

    “Om Dhanvantri Vidhmahe, Amritamaya Dheemahi, Tanno Dhanvantri Prachodayat”

    These mantras invoke the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri for healing and protection from diseases.

6. Offering Prayers

  • Prayers for Health: After chanting the mantras, you can pray for the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. Specifically ask for protection from ailments, improvement in health, and overall well-being.
  • Prayers for Protection: Ask Lord Dhanvantri for protection against all forms of negative energy, harmful influences, and diseases.
  • Visualization: While chanting, visualize Lord Dhanvantri, holding the vessel of nectar (amrit), surrounded by a divine light that spreads healing energy.

7. Closing the Worship

  • After chanting and offering prayers, you can perform an aarti or prayer song to Lord Dhanvantri, if you are comfortable with it.
  • Conclude the Worship: After completing the prayers, offer the fruits, and if you wish, tie a yellow or red thread around the yantra or wear it as a protective charm.
  • Offer Gratitude: Thank Lord Dhanvantri for his blessings and guidance. You can express gratitude for the healing and protection received.
  • Distribute Prasadam: If you have offered fruits or sweets during the worship, you can distribute it among family members as a blessed offering (prasadam).

8. Regular Worship

To maintain the connection with Lord Dhanvantri and continue receiving his blessings, you can make this worship a regular practice. Many devotees worship the yantra daily or weekly, especially on Thursday (which is associated with health and healing) or on auspicious days like Dhanteras (a festival dedicated to Lord Dhanvantri) for special blessings.


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Black Jade Shivling 3 Inches 286 Grams

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Black Jade Shivling 3.25 Inches 362 Grams

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