Shri Krishna Yantra- Gold Plated
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Shri Krishna Yantra- Gold Plated

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.


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Shri Krishna Yantra

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram or yantra that is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna, in Hinduism, is known as the Supreme Being, the god of compassion, tenderness, love, and wisdom. The yantra serves as a tool for spiritual practice, meditation, and worship. It is thought to have the power to bring divine grace, prosperity, harmony, and peace into the life of the devotee.

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric design, often used in spiritual and meditative practices, that is associated with Lord Krishna, the divine incarnation of Vishnu. This yantra is believed to embody the cosmic energy and divine presence of Lord Krishna, and it serves as a tool for invoking his blessings, enhancing spiritual growth, and bringing harmony to the devotee’s life. The Shri Krishna Yantra is particularly revered for its ability to help in the attainment of peace, prosperity, and success, both in material and spiritual realms.

The yantra typically consists of intricate geometric shapes, including circles, triangles, and squares, arranged in a specific manner that symbolizes the various aspects of Lord Krishna’s energy and his divine attributes. The central point of the yantra, called the bindu, represents the Supreme Consciousness or the divine source from which all creation emanates. Surrounding the central point are layers of patterns that correspond to different energies and deities, and these layers are thought to be interconnected, symbolizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Benefits Of Shri Krishna Yantra :

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric representation that is believed to invoke the divine energy of Lord Krishna. It is typically used by devotees for worship, meditation, and spiritual growth. The Yantra is a combination of geometric patterns and mystical symbolism that aids in aligning one’s mind and spirit with the divine vibrations of Lord Krishna. Here are the key benefits associated with the Shri Krishna Yantra:

1. Spiritual Enlightenment and Devotion

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to help individuals achieve a deeper connection with Lord Krishna, enhancing their spiritual understanding and devotion.
  • It is said to promote the realization of the ultimate truth, leading to moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).
  • Regular worship or meditation with the yantra can lead to self-realization and inner peace.

2. Promotes Harmony and Peace

  • The yantra is thought to generate a peaceful, harmonious environment by removing negative energies from the surroundings.
  • It is considered to bring balance to the mind, body, and soul, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.

3. Protection and Removal of Obstacles

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is often invoked for protection from harm and evil forces. It is believed to shield the devotee from negative energies and bad influences.
  • It can also help in overcoming life’s obstacles, enabling one to achieve success and prosperity in various areas of life.

4. Enhances Relationships

  • Since Lord Krishna is associated with love and compassion, worshipping the Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to enhance one’s personal relationships, especially romantic ones, by promoting love, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • It is also said to improve family life by promoting harmony and reducing conflicts.

5. Attracts Prosperity and Abundance

  • The yantra is associated with abundance, both material and spiritual. It is believed to attract wealth, success, and prosperity into one’s life.
  • By invoking the blessings of Lord Krishna, devotees believe they can overcome financial hardships and create a more prosperous future.

6. Wisdom and Knowledge

  • Worshipping the Shri Krishna Yantra is said to improve intelligence and enhance one’s ability to gain knowledge.
  • Devotees often use it to seek wisdom, clarity in decision-making, and guidance in complex situations.

7. Healing Properties

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is sometimes used for its healing effects. It is believed to be beneficial for physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Some practitioners place it in areas where they experience stress or discomfort to help promote healing energies.

8. Increases Concentration and Focus

  • Regular meditation or concentration on the Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to improve focus, clarity, and concentration.
  • It is considered particularly beneficial for students, professionals, and those seeking mental strength to accomplish difficult tasks.

Shri Krishna Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री कृष्ण यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्री कृष्ण यंत्र एक पवित्र ज्यामितीय प्रतिनिधित्व है, जो भगवान श्री कृष्ण की दिव्य ऊर्जा को आमंत्रित करने के लिए विश्वास किया जाता है। यह आमतौर पर भक्तों द्वारा पूजा, ध्यान और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यंत्र में ज्यामितीय पैटर्न और रहस्यमय प्रतीकों का संयोजन होता है, जो व्यक्ति के मन और आत्मा को भगवान श्री कृष्ण की दिव्य तरंगों से जोड़ने में मदद करता है। यहाँ श्री कृष्ण यंत्र से जुड़े प्रमुख लाभों की सूची दी गई है:

1. आध्यात्मिक प्रबोधन और भक्ति

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र व्यक्ति को भगवान श्री कृष्ण से गहरे संबंध बनाने में मदद करता है, जिससे आध्यात्मिक समझ और भक्ति में वृद्धि होती है।
  • यह यंत्र आत्म-साक्षात्कार की ओर मार्गदर्शन करता है और मोक्ष (जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ति) की प्राप्ति में सहायक माना जाता है।
  • नियमित पूजा या ध्यान से आत्मज्ञान और आंतरिक शांति प्राप्त हो सकती है।

2. सामंजस्य और शांति को बढ़ावा

  • यंत्र को नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को समाप्त करने और शांतिपूर्ण और सामंजस्यपूर्ण वातावरण बनाने के लिए माना जाता है।
  • यह मन, शरीर और आत्मा में संतुलन बनाए रखने में मदद करता है, जिससे मानसिक शांति और संतुलन की भावना उत्पन्न होती है।

3. सुरक्षा और बाधाओं का निवारण

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र को हानि, बुरे प्रभावों और नकारात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा के लिए पूजा जाता है।
  • यह जीवन की बाधाओं को दूर करने में मदद करता है, जिससे सफलता और समृद्धि की प्राप्ति में आसानी होती है।

4. संबंधों को सुधारना

  • चूंकि भगवान श्री कृष्ण को प्रेम और करुणा का प्रतीक माना जाता है, श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा से व्यक्तिगत संबंधों में प्रेम, समझ और आपसी सम्मान में वृद्धि होती है।
  • यह परिवारिक जीवन में सामंजस्य बनाए रखने और संघर्षों को कम करने में मदद करता है।

5. समृद्धि और धन की आर्कषण

  • यह यंत्र समृद्धि, सफलता और वित्तीय विकास के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। यह धन, सफलता और समृद्धि को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है।
  • भगवान श्री कृष्ण की आशीर्वाद से भक्त विश्वास करते हैं कि वे आर्थिक संकटों को दूर कर सकते हैं और एक समृद्ध भविष्य बना सकते हैं।

6. बुद्धि और ज्ञान में वृद्धि

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा से बुद्धि में वृद्धि होती है और व्यक्ति के ज्ञान अर्जन की क्षमता में सुधार होता है।
  • यह यंत्र निर्णय लेने में स्पष्टता और जटिल परिस्थितियों में मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करने में सहायक होता है।

7. चिकित्सा गुण

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र को शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार के लिए उपयोगी माना जाता है।
  • कुछ साधक इसे उन स्थानों पर रखते हैं जहाँ वे तनाव या असुविधा महसूस करते हैं, ताकि उपचारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार हो सके।

8. एकाग्रता और ध्यान में वृद्धि

  • नियमित ध्यान या श्री कृष्ण यंत्र पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने से मानसिक स्पष्टता, एकाग्रता और फोकस में सुधार होता है।
  • यह विशेष रूप से छात्रों, पेशेवरों और उन लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद है जो कठिन कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए मानसिक शक्ति की आवश्यकता महसूस करते हैं।

How To Worship Shri Krishna Yantra / ( श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Shri Krishna Yantra is a powerful way to invoke the divine blessings of Lord Krishna, who is considered the source of love, wisdom, and divine grace. The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram that represents the cosmic energies of Lord Krishna and is believed to help in invoking his blessings for prosperity, spiritual growth, and harmony in life.

1. Preparation for Worship

  • Choose a Clean and Sacred Space: Select a quiet and clean place for the worship. Ideally, it should be a well-lit, peaceful area that can be dedicated to your spiritual practices.
  • Purify the Space: Clean the area by wiping it with water or incense smoke. You can also sprinkle holy water or use camphor to purify the space.

2. Setting Up the Shri Krishna Yantra

  • Placement: Place the Shri Krishna Yantra on a clean altar or a wooden pedestal. The Yantra should be positioned facing the worshiper, preferably with the “Bindu” (central point) facing you.
  • Use a Clean Cloth: Place the Yantra on a fresh, clean cloth. This ensures that the Yantra is respected and handled with care.
  • Light a Diya (Lamp): Light a ghee or oil lamp in front of the Yantra as an offering to Lord Krishna.

3. Cleanse the Yantra

  • Before starting the puja (ritual), cleanse the Yantra by sprinkling a little water or rose water over it. This can be done while chanting prayers or mantras. You may also lightly wave incense smoke around the Yantra.

4. Offerings to Lord Krishna

  • Flowers: Offer fresh flowers to the Yantra, particularly white or yellow flowers, as they are associated with purity and devotion.
  • Fruits and Sweets: Offer fresh fruits (such as bananas, apples, or coconuts) and sweets like laddus, which are traditional offerings to Lord Krishna.
  • Incense: Light incense sticks and wave the fragrance around the Yantra to purify the space and invoke divine blessings.

5. Chanting Mantras and Prayers

  • Krishna Gayatri Mantra: Chant the following mantra to invoke Lord Krishna’s blessings:
    Om Achyutaya Namah
    Om Anantaya Namah
    Om Govindaya Namah
    Om Gopijanavallabhaya Namah
  • Shri Krishna Ashtakshara Mantra: This is a simple and powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Krishna:
    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
  • Krishna Stotra or Shloka: You can recite Krishna-related hymns or prayers such as the Bhagavad Gita verses, Shri Krishna Ashtakshara Stotra, or Shri Krishna Stotra to deepen your connection with him.

6. Visualization and Meditation

  • Sit in a comfortable posture and focus your attention on the Shri Krishna Yantra. Visualize Lord Krishna’s form within the central point (Bindu) of the Yantra, offering his divine grace and protection.
  • Meditate on the Yantra’s symbolism — each element of the Yantra represents different aspects of divine energy and cosmic balance. The Yantra itself embodies Lord Krishna’s presence and acts as a portal for spiritual awakening and divine blessings.

7. Arti (Ritual of Light)

  • Perform an Arti by offering a lighted lamp (diya) to the Yantra. Wave the flame in a circular motion while singing or chanting Lord Krishna’s names, or a devotional song (bhajan), such as “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.”

8. Offer Prayers and Gratitude

  • After completing the rituals, offer your personal prayers to Lord Krishna. Ask for his divine guidance, blessings of prosperity, peace, and spiritual growth.
  • Express gratitude for his presence and blessings in your life. You may also ask for the removal of obstacles, fulfillment of desires, and the enhancement of wisdom and inner strength.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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Shri Krishna Yantra- Gold Plated


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Details For Pooja / Energization

  • Auspiciously made from the Vedic Diagrams.
  • The Yantra will be Blessed and Energised before dispatch.
Testimonials at Rudrapuja
Worldwide Shipping at Rudrapuja

Shri Krishna Yantra

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram or yantra that is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna, in Hinduism, is known as the Supreme Being, the god of compassion, tenderness, love, and wisdom. The yantra serves as a tool for spiritual practice, meditation, and worship. It is thought to have the power to bring divine grace, prosperity, harmony, and peace into the life of the devotee.

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric design, often used in spiritual and meditative practices, that is associated with Lord Krishna, the divine incarnation of Vishnu. This yantra is believed to embody the cosmic energy and divine presence of Lord Krishna, and it serves as a tool for invoking his blessings, enhancing spiritual growth, and bringing harmony to the devotee’s life. The Shri Krishna Yantra is particularly revered for its ability to help in the attainment of peace, prosperity, and success, both in material and spiritual realms.

The yantra typically consists of intricate geometric shapes, including circles, triangles, and squares, arranged in a specific manner that symbolizes the various aspects of Lord Krishna’s energy and his divine attributes. The central point of the yantra, called the bindu, represents the Supreme Consciousness or the divine source from which all creation emanates. Surrounding the central point are layers of patterns that correspond to different energies and deities, and these layers are thought to be interconnected, symbolizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Benefits Of Shri Krishna Yantra :

The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric representation that is believed to invoke the divine energy of Lord Krishna. It is typically used by devotees for worship, meditation, and spiritual growth. The Yantra is a combination of geometric patterns and mystical symbolism that aids in aligning one’s mind and spirit with the divine vibrations of Lord Krishna. Here are the key benefits associated with the Shri Krishna Yantra:

1. Spiritual Enlightenment and Devotion

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to help individuals achieve a deeper connection with Lord Krishna, enhancing their spiritual understanding and devotion.
  • It is said to promote the realization of the ultimate truth, leading to moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).
  • Regular worship or meditation with the yantra can lead to self-realization and inner peace.

2. Promotes Harmony and Peace

  • The yantra is thought to generate a peaceful, harmonious environment by removing negative energies from the surroundings.
  • It is considered to bring balance to the mind, body, and soul, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.

3. Protection and Removal of Obstacles

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is often invoked for protection from harm and evil forces. It is believed to shield the devotee from negative energies and bad influences.
  • It can also help in overcoming life’s obstacles, enabling one to achieve success and prosperity in various areas of life.

4. Enhances Relationships

  • Since Lord Krishna is associated with love and compassion, worshipping the Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to enhance one’s personal relationships, especially romantic ones, by promoting love, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • It is also said to improve family life by promoting harmony and reducing conflicts.

5. Attracts Prosperity and Abundance

  • The yantra is associated with abundance, both material and spiritual. It is believed to attract wealth, success, and prosperity into one’s life.
  • By invoking the blessings of Lord Krishna, devotees believe they can overcome financial hardships and create a more prosperous future.

6. Wisdom and Knowledge

  • Worshipping the Shri Krishna Yantra is said to improve intelligence and enhance one’s ability to gain knowledge.
  • Devotees often use it to seek wisdom, clarity in decision-making, and guidance in complex situations.

7. Healing Properties

  • The Shri Krishna Yantra is sometimes used for its healing effects. It is believed to be beneficial for physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Some practitioners place it in areas where they experience stress or discomfort to help promote healing energies.

8. Increases Concentration and Focus

  • Regular meditation or concentration on the Shri Krishna Yantra is believed to improve focus, clarity, and concentration.
  • It is considered particularly beneficial for students, professionals, and those seeking mental strength to accomplish difficult tasks.

Shri Krishna Yantra Benefits In Hindi / ( श्री कृष्ण यंत्र लाभ हिंदी में)

श्री कृष्ण यंत्र एक पवित्र ज्यामितीय प्रतिनिधित्व है, जो भगवान श्री कृष्ण की दिव्य ऊर्जा को आमंत्रित करने के लिए विश्वास किया जाता है। यह आमतौर पर भक्तों द्वारा पूजा, ध्यान और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यंत्र में ज्यामितीय पैटर्न और रहस्यमय प्रतीकों का संयोजन होता है, जो व्यक्ति के मन और आत्मा को भगवान श्री कृष्ण की दिव्य तरंगों से जोड़ने में मदद करता है। यहाँ श्री कृष्ण यंत्र से जुड़े प्रमुख लाभों की सूची दी गई है:

1. आध्यात्मिक प्रबोधन और भक्ति

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र व्यक्ति को भगवान श्री कृष्ण से गहरे संबंध बनाने में मदद करता है, जिससे आध्यात्मिक समझ और भक्ति में वृद्धि होती है।
  • यह यंत्र आत्म-साक्षात्कार की ओर मार्गदर्शन करता है और मोक्ष (जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ति) की प्राप्ति में सहायक माना जाता है।
  • नियमित पूजा या ध्यान से आत्मज्ञान और आंतरिक शांति प्राप्त हो सकती है।

2. सामंजस्य और शांति को बढ़ावा

  • यंत्र को नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को समाप्त करने और शांतिपूर्ण और सामंजस्यपूर्ण वातावरण बनाने के लिए माना जाता है।
  • यह मन, शरीर और आत्मा में संतुलन बनाए रखने में मदद करता है, जिससे मानसिक शांति और संतुलन की भावना उत्पन्न होती है।

3. सुरक्षा और बाधाओं का निवारण

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र को हानि, बुरे प्रभावों और नकारात्मक शक्तियों से सुरक्षा के लिए पूजा जाता है।
  • यह जीवन की बाधाओं को दूर करने में मदद करता है, जिससे सफलता और समृद्धि की प्राप्ति में आसानी होती है।

4. संबंधों को सुधारना

  • चूंकि भगवान श्री कृष्ण को प्रेम और करुणा का प्रतीक माना जाता है, श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा से व्यक्तिगत संबंधों में प्रेम, समझ और आपसी सम्मान में वृद्धि होती है।
  • यह परिवारिक जीवन में सामंजस्य बनाए रखने और संघर्षों को कम करने में मदद करता है।

5. समृद्धि और धन की आर्कषण

  • यह यंत्र समृद्धि, सफलता और वित्तीय विकास के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। यह धन, सफलता और समृद्धि को आकर्षित करने में मदद करता है।
  • भगवान श्री कृष्ण की आशीर्वाद से भक्त विश्वास करते हैं कि वे आर्थिक संकटों को दूर कर सकते हैं और एक समृद्ध भविष्य बना सकते हैं।

6. बुद्धि और ज्ञान में वृद्धि

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा से बुद्धि में वृद्धि होती है और व्यक्ति के ज्ञान अर्जन की क्षमता में सुधार होता है।
  • यह यंत्र निर्णय लेने में स्पष्टता और जटिल परिस्थितियों में मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करने में सहायक होता है।

7. चिकित्सा गुण

  • श्री कृष्ण यंत्र को शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार के लिए उपयोगी माना जाता है।
  • कुछ साधक इसे उन स्थानों पर रखते हैं जहाँ वे तनाव या असुविधा महसूस करते हैं, ताकि उपचारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार हो सके।

8. एकाग्रता और ध्यान में वृद्धि

  • नियमित ध्यान या श्री कृष्ण यंत्र पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने से मानसिक स्पष्टता, एकाग्रता और फोकस में सुधार होता है।
  • यह विशेष रूप से छात्रों, पेशेवरों और उन लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद है जो कठिन कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए मानसिक शक्ति की आवश्यकता महसूस करते हैं।

How To Worship Shri Krishna Yantra / ( श्री कृष्ण यंत्र की पूजा कैसे करें)

Worshiping the Shri Krishna Yantra is a powerful way to invoke the divine blessings of Lord Krishna, who is considered the source of love, wisdom, and divine grace. The Shri Krishna Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram that represents the cosmic energies of Lord Krishna and is believed to help in invoking his blessings for prosperity, spiritual growth, and harmony in life.

1. Preparation for Worship

  • Choose a Clean and Sacred Space: Select a quiet and clean place for the worship. Ideally, it should be a well-lit, peaceful area that can be dedicated to your spiritual practices.
  • Purify the Space: Clean the area by wiping it with water or incense smoke. You can also sprinkle holy water or use camphor to purify the space.

2. Setting Up the Shri Krishna Yantra

  • Placement: Place the Shri Krishna Yantra on a clean altar or a wooden pedestal. The Yantra should be positioned facing the worshiper, preferably with the “Bindu” (central point) facing you.
  • Use a Clean Cloth: Place the Yantra on a fresh, clean cloth. This ensures that the Yantra is respected and handled with care.
  • Light a Diya (Lamp): Light a ghee or oil lamp in front of the Yantra as an offering to Lord Krishna.

3. Cleanse the Yantra

  • Before starting the puja (ritual), cleanse the Yantra by sprinkling a little water or rose water over it. This can be done while chanting prayers or mantras. You may also lightly wave incense smoke around the Yantra.

4. Offerings to Lord Krishna

  • Flowers: Offer fresh flowers to the Yantra, particularly white or yellow flowers, as they are associated with purity and devotion.
  • Fruits and Sweets: Offer fresh fruits (such as bananas, apples, or coconuts) and sweets like laddus, which are traditional offerings to Lord Krishna.
  • Incense: Light incense sticks and wave the fragrance around the Yantra to purify the space and invoke divine blessings.

5. Chanting Mantras and Prayers

  • Krishna Gayatri Mantra: Chant the following mantra to invoke Lord Krishna’s blessings:
    Om Achyutaya Namah
    Om Anantaya Namah
    Om Govindaya Namah
    Om Gopijanavallabhaya Namah
  • Shri Krishna Ashtakshara Mantra: This is a simple and powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Krishna:
    Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
  • Krishna Stotra or Shloka: You can recite Krishna-related hymns or prayers such as the Bhagavad Gita verses, Shri Krishna Ashtakshara Stotra, or Shri Krishna Stotra to deepen your connection with him.

6. Visualization and Meditation

  • Sit in a comfortable posture and focus your attention on the Shri Krishna Yantra. Visualize Lord Krishna’s form within the central point (Bindu) of the Yantra, offering his divine grace and protection.
  • Meditate on the Yantra’s symbolism — each element of the Yantra represents different aspects of divine energy and cosmic balance. The Yantra itself embodies Lord Krishna’s presence and acts as a portal for spiritual awakening and divine blessings.

7. Arti (Ritual of Light)

  • Perform an Arti by offering a lighted lamp (diya) to the Yantra. Wave the flame in a circular motion while singing or chanting Lord Krishna’s names, or a devotional song (bhajan), such as “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.”

8. Offer Prayers and Gratitude

  • After completing the rituals, offer your personal prayers to Lord Krishna. Ask for his divine guidance, blessings of prosperity, peace, and spiritual growth.
  • Express gratitude for his presence and blessings in your life. You may also ask for the removal of obstacles, fulfillment of desires, and the enhancement of wisdom and inner strength.
Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 12 × 15 × 4 cm
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3" X 3" Copper, 3" X 3" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Copper, 6" X 6" Golden Plated, 6" X 6" Golden Plated with Frame, 6" X 6" Copper with Frame, 9" X 9" Copper



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